Friday, June 4, 2021

Victory by Faith

UV 4150/10000 Victory by Faith And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel, and the prophets, Hebrews 11 v 32 Each of the characters mentioned in the hall of faith fame had their strengths, weaknesses of spirit, mind and body. Samson, for instance, was strong of mind and body but not of spirit. Hence, he fell to the seduction of Delilah. Gideon was strong of spirit and mind but he fell to the temptation of self glorification towards the end of his life. David was strong in spirit and mind but he fell to the temptation of adultery and murder. Joseph was strong in spirit and mind and he did not fall to temptation of adultery but as a young lad, he provoked his brothers’ jealousy by speaking of his dream of dominance of his family and siblings. The way we are created, our spirit, minds and bodies have both strengths and weaknesses or vulnerabilities. These strengths and weaknesses manifests as successes and failures in our lives but faith is the faculty by which we can overcome our own weaknesses as well as threats in the environment. Faith gives us access to the supernatural, infinite power of God. It enables us to avail and appropriate the grace of God. Faith also gives us the access to supernatural wisdom. Solomon was strong in mind and spirit but he indulged his flesh with a thousand wives and concubines. Though given supernatural measure of wisdom, he compromised his faith in Jehovah, the God of Israel in order to please his many wives. Jesus alone being strong in spirit and mind and full of grace and truth and the Holy Spirit yielded to no temptation of spirit, mind or body. Hence, He alone is worthy among men of praise, worship, adoration and imitation. He is worthy of our faith. By our faith in Jehovah, the Father in heaven, in Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we can overcome our own weaknesses, vulnerabilities, threats and triumph in faith and life. The enemy is strong in spirit and mind. Hence, we, who have so many vulnerabilities and weaknesses are urged to wear the full blood armour offered us by faith in Jesus. Like Joshua, we are to combat 31 kings ( princes of darkness) and overcome these. It is almost as if we are to fight one king every day of the month. We are to bring down strongholds like Jericho’s walls by our prevailing and growing faith. But the reassuring aspect of faith is that it is not we who need to fight. We only need to take a stance of faith by claiming a promise, brandishing a word of God like a spiritual sword, declare and decree in faith and the Lord will secure the ultimate victory. What is guaranteed is that even though we have a temporary setback in the physical or mental realms, we will have ultimate victory in the spiritual realms.

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