Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Open Door

UV 4160/10000 The Open Door I know your deeds. See, I have set before you an open door which no one is able to shut, for you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not renounced or denied My name. Revelation 3 v 8 The door that the Lord sets open before a child of God -no man can close. If we are faithful in using whatever the Lord has placed in us, with us and if we remember and honour His word and do not deny our faith in Jesus, then the opportunity the Lord is giving us cannot be taken away either by the enemy or by any human or organization. The Lord knows us inside out and outside in. He knows our hearts and our minds. He knows our issues and challenges. He gives us the key to open locked portals in the spiritual realms by exercising our faith in specific promises. Each promise of God is like a spiritual province we can dwell or reside in. What He has decreed for us at the very beginning is set in motion by our faith, through our prayers, through our claiming the promises, by abiding by His commands and heeding His warnings. The less we rely on our own limited strength and the more we lean on the Lord, appropriate His infinite strength, wisdom, grace, the wider will open the door of opportunities for growth, for joy, for peace, for our upliftment, enlargement, development of potential will. The enemy is also crouching at the door of our hearts but we need to deny him access to our hearts and minds. It is the word we have stored in our hearts and release with our mouths that acts as a salt, a repellant to repulse the tentacles of the leech of sin that could suck up our hope, our vitality, our confidence in the Lord. The word “DOOR” is an acronym for our Destiny Ordained, Organised by our Redeemer – Jesus. He is always at the door of our hearts, knocking to let in His miraculous power, His immense strength, His mercy, His goodness, His love. He can break down walls, iron doors, bronze gates to let us enter our inheritance in Him. No one can stop us. The authorities, the world, the forces of darkness cannot ever stop us from realizing our goals, fulfilling our purpose for the greater glory of the Lord. Nothing is impossible for Him. Nothing is unbelievable. Nothing remains pending or hanging unfinished if we are depending on Him. God brings things to speed in our lives. He neither bull dozes nor dozes. He executes wonders through His word stored in us. The gates of His grace and blessing are never closed but remain open 24 x 7 into the years of our life of faith. Adoration or worship of God is not an obligation, a burden, a wearisome responsibility but a way to be set free, to remain free from the shackles of this world, a natural outflow of a supernatural realization.

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