Tuesday, September 7, 2021

24 x 7 Connectivity with God

UV 4227/10000 24 x 7 WIFI Connectivity with God You shall serve ( only) the Lord your God, and He shall bless your bread and water. I will also remove sickness from among you. Exodus 23 v 25 The only service we can do unto the Lord God is sincere worship and thanksgiving. It is the “ rent” we pay for occupying or residing on the Earth, His footstool. The footstool is designed so that a king can keep His feet on it and receive the acknowledgement and adoration of his subjects or servants. So also the Earth is designed as a footstool and our hearts are made in such a way that our lives are not complete unless we direct our worship where it is due- the Lord God. In return, the Lord promises amazing blessings- of blessing on our food and drink, of good health and removal of sickness, of making us fruitful in terms of children and of giving us a full lifespan on earth. The wages of sin, the Bible says is death but the wages of righteous worship and a right relationship with the Lord are internal, external and eternal blessings. Worship is our wifi connection with the Lord where wifi stands for “Worship the Infinite, Faithfully Indefinitely”. Our hearts are made small enough only that we worship the Lord but large enough that it can contain the infinite, all loving, all powerful God in it. Worship is not something we do off and on or even on a weekly basis on Sundays but it is our attitude of being a servant of God, of rendering unto Him such acts of adoration, service and gratitude. It is about humbling ourselves before the Lord and acknowledging Him in everything and at all points of our days and lives. We can ignore Him only to our own peril. For He is the source of all life and the source of all power, wisdom, well being and goodness. Our thoughts, emotions, actions and words should be focused on pleasing the Lord, in serving Him. Serving God is a privilege and not a chore or an onerous responsibility. It lightens our burden for Jesus said, “ I have come to lighten your yoke, the burdens that rest on your shoulders.” He lightens the burden of guilt, of fear, of sin, of anxiety about the future of ourselves and our offspring. Worship fills us with joy, exhilaration, satisfaction, freedom, appreciation of the finest things about the life we live in the Lord. Hence, some side should be set aside for individual and familial worship apart from cultivating an attitude of continual worship of the Lord God at all times. When we have such a 24 x 7 connectivity with the Lord, nothing can shake us. He fills the gaps in our knowledge, wisdom, understanding, strength, resources, health, relationships, work life and emotions.

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