Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Supernatural Power

UV 4240/10000 Supernatural Power Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember and trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20 v 7 Some trust in human power and strength, some in the power of nature but we, believers and followers place our supreme trust in Almighty GOD, in supernatural power. If we trust in God, we will remember His name at all times, it will be on our lips anytime, ready for dispatch like an arrow. We will remember His word and His commands and promises as well as precepts and examples at all times or as frequently as possible. The name of the Lord, the Psalmist says, is like a metaphoric tower of power where we can take cover any time we are under any kind of attack. The name of the Lord ( Jireh, Shalom, Rapha, El Shaddai, Adonai, Tsidkenu,…) has all the dimensions needed to serve or meet all of our human, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational needs. The name of the Lord can help us internalize, personalize and share the supernatural power of God with others in our lives. His name is like a foil to our enemies even as David went forth to take on Goliath in the strength and power of the name of Jehovah El Shaddai, the Almighty God. It is a sword of attack even as it is a shield of defence. The name of the Lord gives us lasting victory in any struggle we face. This is the difference between sheep and people for the former do not know the name of the shepherd while we know the name of the Good Shepherd who guides, feeds, leads, defends, saves us. The name of a person symbolizes everything that person stands for. Likewise, the name of the Lord encompasses all the Lord is to us- a loving Father, a merciful Judge, a Protector, a Provider, a Lover, a Leader, a Defender, a Vindicator.. His name is like a password we have in our hearts and minds to access all the resources and power of heaven. It is the foundation of our personal and intimate relationship with the Sovereign and All loving and All powerful Lord. Remembering or meditating on His name, thanking Him for revealing His name as the I Am of our lives is a source of great blessing and power in our daily lives and struggles. His is one name we will not drop but always keep at the tip of our tongues, the core of our hearts and the depth of our minds for He will never fail, leave nor forsake those who cling to Him.

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