Monday, September 6, 2021

The Nature of Authority

UV 4226/10000 The Nature of Authority Therefore I did not even consider myself worthy to come to You. But just speak a word, and my slave will be healed. Luke 7 v 7 The centurion though he was a man with immense power being in command of a hundred Roman soldiers, a man of status since he belonged to the ruling class and race, humbled himself before God and Jesus. He understood authority and respected the spiritual authority and sovereignty of God manifested in Jesus. He so humbled himself that he did not consider himself worthy to come to Jesus to request the help to heal his faithful and loyal servant who was sick. He believed, in fact, knew for fact that Jesus had authority to speak a word and the healing would happen. The centurion knew that Jesus had as much authority to tell the disease or sickness to go even as he had authority to tell his soldiers to go somewhere to do some bidding of his. He could have sent his soldiers to bring Jesus as a man of the world would do these days. But he out of utmost reverence found Jewish elders to go to Jesus and appeal humbly to come and heal the servant. Though not a Jew, he called Jesus, “Lord”. Jesus marvelled at his faith and said, “ I have not found such great faith in Israel.” Accordingly, Jesus honoured his faith and released healing upon the sick servant such that the messengers when they returned found the latter in good health. The centurion did not act presumptuously but thought himself accountable to authority rather than viewing himself as an independent authority. Just as there is hierarchy of authorities on earth, there is a hierarchy of powers and authorities in the spiritual realms with the Father and Jesus on the top. A mere word from Jesus or the Father is sufficient to release miracles of healing and deliverance in this dark, physical world. The physical is subject and accountable to the spiritual authority. Faith, sincere, reverential faith is needed to release divine power and authority for the well being of humans. Jesus has all authority, power and glory given to Him. He is to be acknowledged as the Lord and Author of Life.

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