Uni-verse 260/10,000 For better through verse Malachi 4 v 2
Mal 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall
Malachi had the last word among the OT prophets. I believe that the word Sun is a deliberately introduced homonym for the “ Son”-Jesus, the Son of righteousness. God has deliberately kept one sun at the center of our solar system as a permanent symbol of His sovereignty. He keeps us in our paths as He keeps the planets in its orbits due to the gravitational pull of the sun. The sun is kept at the precise distance from the earth: if it was a little closer or further away, life as we know it would not exist on earth. The difference is that we can get closer than even our own skin to the Son of righteousness. The sun’s rays penetrate below the skin and similarly the light of Jesus penetrates us far below our skin level.
Believers are like the moon: we are ugly and lifeless in ourselves, having no real light of our own but we reflect the beauty of the light from the Son. Just as it is foolish to complain that the moon is dark and desolate, we must not find fault with the base level natural qualities of fellow believers. We only need to see if we as a body are reflecting His light. The image of “stall-fed calves” is quite apt and beautiful. We do not have to be always seeking pasture to feed like stray cattle but the Master , the Great Shepherd will bring the produce of the pasture to us.
Modern science tells us that all humanity needs the Vitamin D from the sun’s rays to be strong in our inner core or to be “bone-strong”. The light of Jesus has to shine on us each day to give us Vitamin D- devotion, discipline, diligence, dedication and determination. Devotion implies a constant tendency to remember and think of God as we go through the day’s routine. Then, we will find healing, protection and blessing forever under His wings. We will fear, love and serve Him and be counted as jewels or precious unto Him. He will say to us, “ Arise, go forth and shine.” Yes, let us get our share of the Son-light and our place under the Son.
Prateep V Philip
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