Wednesday, December 14, 2011

UV 271-10000 Proverbs 27 v 23

Uni-verse 271/10,000 For better through verse Proverbs 27 v 23
Pro 27:23 Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.

Our leadership style must be that of a shepherd-king. David was a shepherd-king. Jesus is a Shepherd-King. We must be diligent in knowing not just the number of the sheep in our flock but also the state of the flock and indeed, the state of each sheep or believer in the church.

A shepherd is aware of the threats the flock are facing at any given moment and takes proactive steps to defend them from becoming a prey. Similarly, we too must evaluate the threats the flock face and take steps to thwart the threats. We must ensure the fencing around the pen is close enough and without gaps for the foxes of deceit and cunning and strife to enter. Our prayer must be proactive and protective. As the Lord Jesus Himself prayed, “ let none of the sheep be lost.”

We must always feed the sheep. Peter was asked repeatedly to feed the Lord’s sheep as a mark of his love. We feed the sheep with the Word of God. We must not look to our own profiting from the sheep but look to the well being of the flock. We must be courageous like David to snatch the sheep from the jaws of an attacking lion (sin, sickness, death). We must multiply the Father’s sheep like Jacob increased the flock of Laban, his father-in-law. We must not while away our time as the sheep graze in different pastures( professions, careers,)but keep harping on praising the Lord, as David did, for what He has done in the midst of the flock and in the life of each believer.

Prateep V Philip

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