Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mysterious Treasures and Hidden secrets

UV 365/10,000 Mysterious Treasures and Hidden secrets Isaiah 45 v 3 Isa 45:3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. This is a beautiful and wonderful promise of God that He would give His faithful treasures out of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. The words, “ darkness, hidden and secret” lend a cloak and dagger effect to the promise. It leaves us wondering what is it that the Lord has in store for us from out of His spiritual but secret riches. It is a reference to mystical riches and not the treasures of Ali Baba’s magical caves. “ Eye has not seen nor ear heard” about these riches and treasures that the Lord has kept for His chosen ones. These precious things cannot be explored, discovered or unearthed by our ingenuity or perseverance but the Lord alone can reveal it at the right time. They are not necessarily of monetary or temporal value though some of the things that the Lord reveals to us can be a blessing to meet even our material,financial, familial or ministerial needs. There are eternal treasures and riches hidden in the Word of God. These cannot be destroyed by moth or rust or stolen by thieves. We can perceive them with our “ faith eye” and hold them in our “ faith hands.” It is the glory of God to conceal a secret and the duty of kings to have them revealed. As part of a royal priesthood, it is our covenant duty to reveal the secret and hidden treasures of God so that all Israel will rejoice and each child of God will benefit from His specific inheritance that the Lord has written his or her name on as a sign of entitlement. These hidden nuggets of truths mined out of God’s Word, more valuable than purest gold or finest diamonds, are enough to transform our lives and our destiny. A man’s will takes effect only after he is dead but God’s will is a living testament and covenant. It is a good exercise to personalize the promises of God by writing in our names at the appropriate places wherever the Word addresses us as “ you” : “ I will give …( your name) the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places.” Scripture is not a mere religious text written out of the imagination and speculation of men but a legal document authored by the Lord God and authenticated with the blood of the Lamb, Jesus. If we carefully look at this uni-verse, we will find two signatories: you and / or me and the Lord, God of Israel. Once we specify and personalize an uni-verse, the Lord God will set in motion events and circumstances in the universe to fulfill His Word. We will come to know that it is not the universe that conspires to come to our assistance or to fulfill our spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical needs as taught by some monks who bought their Ferraris teaching such new age wisdom, but it is the Lord in His wisdom and faithfulness who fulfills our every need, sometimes mysteriously, sometimes miraculously , sometimes subtly making it appear as if it was a natural or accidental occurrence. Prateep V Philip


  1. Dear Bro. Pratheep,

    Congratuations for your successful continuation & completion of one long year sowing the Words of meditations into the hearts & lives of people around the globe.
    May God richly bless your sacrifical efforts to establish His kingdom on earth and honour you & your family more and more.

    We are with you in our prayers. Your ministry will continue to Grow and Glow and bring Glory to His name.
    Let us celebrate the goodness of the Lord. The first mile-stone of 'One -Year' (UV 365) should be celebrated with praises & worship.

    Thanks & Praises be to God.

    God bless,

    Your brother in Christ,

    Daniel Moses

  2. 'Scripture is not a mere religious text written out of the imagination and speculation of men but a legal document authored by the Lord God and authenticated with the blood of the Lamb, Jesus.'

    '....but it is the Lord in His wisdom and faithfulness who fulfills our every need, sometimes mysteriously, sometimes miraculously , sometimes subtly making it appear as if it was a natural or accidental occurrence.'

    Thanks Mr Prateep for these wonderful words of encouragement, every day for the last one year. May the dear Lord continue to protect you, bless you and empower you to be an wonderful instrument for His glory.

    Amitayu Das

  3. 13 Proverbs 10:22
    The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it.

    Isaiah 45:3
    I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

    Dear Bro Prateep
    Praise the Lord!
    Thanks for your inspiring Bible verses.
    Some time back, I was financially wrecked & ruined. I attended a Retreat at Tabor Ashram, Kalyan.
    During a session, the preacher mentioned a lady who approached him for financial relief. He had recommended Isaiah 45:3 to be said unceasingly.
    Some time later, she won a lottery.
    A family in the US heard about this & resorted to this prayer. Their financial situation was restored.
    In my brokenness, we started saying this prayer along with Proverbs10:22.
    God is Restoring our losses in His Own Way.
    thanks for clarifying Robin Sharma's views:)
    Denis Khan

  4. Praise be to the Lord - it is 365 ie. One Year. Thanks be to God for his faithfulness & to the hundreds and thousands who have been blessed during this year through your ministry. Samuel sukumar

  5. Be at it Prateep. You have many miles to go to reach UV 10000. May He empower and motivate you


