Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Hidden Wisdom
UV 766/10,000 The Hidden Wisdom
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Colossians 2 v 3
In Paul’s time, the Greeks emphasized knowledge as a means of salvation. Even to this day, there are many who think and live as if knowledge is the path to salvation. But Paul in this uni-verse is underlining the fact that Jesus is the source and repository of wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom and knowledge do not lead to salvation but salvation in Christ leads to wisdom and knowledge taking grip of our lives. When we receive Jesus by faith into our hearts, we are also receiving the key to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The word ‘ all’ implies that nothing, no aspect is left out or excluded from the domain expertise of Jesus. The word ‘ treasure’ indicates that we must value wisdom and knowledge as matters of prime importance in our daily lives. Leadership is about directional change and management is about operational change. Wisdom gives us guidance on directional change while knowledge directs operational change. Wisdom is about making the right choices and decisions while knowledge is about implementing or executing the choices and decisions. When we believe Him and hide His Word in our memory bank, we are storing the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in us. In Him, it is hid and in us and through us it is revealed. No wonder even the wise men sought to see and adore Him even when He was just born, long before He had uttered a single word or done a single miracle.
Scripture says that let the wise man not boast of his wisdom or the rich man about his riches or the mighty man in his power but let him who boasts, boasts that he understands and knows the Lord who exercises love, kindness, righteousness and justice on the Earth. He will release love, kindness, righteousness and justice in our individual lives as we get to know Him personally and intimately. Jesus knows all the secrets of all domains of knowledge and wisdom. As a student, He revealed to me a new method of study that enabled me to climb the heights of academic success and excellence. A scientist is now doing research on that method of study. As a police officer, I have often confided in Him the challenges I was facing and He has come to my present help. Once a dacoity took place in my district. As I moved in my car towards the scene of crime, I prayed Lord, “ You know who has done this, please reveal it to us.” The dacoity was fully detected and the booty recovered in exactly twenty four hours.
Nothing is hidden from the eye of Jesus. Nothing is unknown to the mind of Jesus. Hence, when we believe and pray, He does not hesitate to reveal that which is hidden or that which is unknown to us or to all mankind. He revealed to me the key to the human mind that I was seeking for more than a decade: “ be at it: beat it.” It is based on the scripture that exhorts us “ to cling to what is good and to abhor and let go of what is evil”. This thought process that combines both the strands of the positive and the negative-negative, based on these two simple tools is more holistic,effective and useful than Positive Thinking, Transaction Analysis, Neuro-linguistic programming and other methods devised by man to develop oneself. The practical application of this uni-verse is whenever we face a complicated problem or a dilemma, when we pray and seek His wisdom and knowledge, He will give us wisdom to make the right choices or decisions and knowledge to know what to do. But we need not even wait for a situation or a need. We should daily ask the Lord for more of His wisdom and knowledge to be manifest in our lives.
Prateep V Philip
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Thanks again for sharing the most valuable testimonies. Indeed, it is the greatest treasure to know God and to seek Him daily.
ReplyDeleteAmitayu Das