Thursday, June 13, 2013

Good Success and Prosperity

UV 781/10,000 Good Success and Prosperity This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1 v 8 When we obey the laws of man, we do not suffer loss-loss of name and liberty. When we obey the law of God, we are blessed. It is success that comes from holding the Word of God dear to us and holding it continually in our hearts, remembering it often, declaring it as precious truth whenever appropriate and abiding within the limits it sets. This uni-verse talks about “good success”. Good success is success that is God-ordained and blessed. All other success that is achieved by the vain efforts of man can make a man proud and arrogant. Success itself can destroy a man’s soul. It will delude and deceive us. Knowledge of man makes him puffed up about how much he knows while the wisdom that comes from dwelling on the Word of God makes one wise- he will realize how little he knows in comparison with the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord and how much he needs to depend on Him. Knowledge gives us the illusion of power while wisdom gives us liberty. Different scripture verses when stored in our memory and meditated upon continually gives us the wisdom to make the right choices or decisions and to respond in the right manner to different stimuli. Further, when we declare or confess with our mouths the testimonies or our oral evidence of how the Word is working from within us, the Lord is pleased to guide us and crown our efforts with good success and to prosper us in our work. Each uni-verse is an unbroken thread of good success and prosperity in our lives. When we carefully observe and obey one, we obey the Lord and obey all of the law of God. The success and prosperity is not merely external but organic- it takes root from deep within us. When we break an egg from without, it dies but when the growth happens from within and the shell cracks open slowly, new life is born. This is the process of new life by faith- the work of regeneration by faith in the Word. The Word is the good treasure that Jesus said, the good or godly man or woman brings out of the storehouse of his or her mind. It also blesses the hearers. It teaches our hearts to beat in sync with the very heart of God. Anything else that we store as a substitute falls short of the definition of “ good success and prosperity” or the Shalom blessings of the Lord. Prateep V Philip

1 comment:

  1. Just want to let you know that whenever I get to see your mail, I read them and each thought is very encouraging and refreshing. Your meditations, I can sense are inspired by the Holy Spirit and our Lord God is refreshing you with thoughts that are meaning full and inspiring to us. Thank you for continuing to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you and use you. God be blessed and may His name be honoured and glorified in and through us always.

    May God continue to shower you with blessings so that you continue to be a beacon of light to the believers and unbelievers as well.
    Samuel Abraham
