Monday, June 16, 2014

The Mind of Christ

UV 1121/10,000 The Mind of Christ

For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

I Corinthians 2 v 16

The Lord who formed us in our mothers’ wombs undertakes a second exercise when we are born again by faith in His Son Jesus. The Holy Spirit re-forms our natural minds and turns it into the mind of Christ. The word “ mind” being a composite of thoughts, emotions and will, our thoughts, emotions and will are re-shaped after the likeness of the thoughts of Christ. We begin to think like Jesus. We develop the attitudes of Jesus. We lead our lives like Jesus. We lead others like Jesus. We feel like Jesus. We will be counseled, instructed and directed by the Mind of Christ, step by step, day by day, decision after decision.

The nine attitudes that Jesus spoke of to the multitude in the sermon on the mount together constitute the frame and matrix of the mind of Christ. The first attitude is the realization and recognition of the extent of our spiritual want- our spiritual poverty. It should move us to desire the eternal, incorruptible, imperishable riches of heaven the way men lust after the corruptible and perishable wealth of this world. It will move us to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. It will move us to seek first excellence of both character and accomplishment rather than excess of possessions. It will re-define our attitudes towards money, pleasure, position, beauty, fame and power. It will lead us to the second attitude of Jesus: to hunger and thirst after righteousness. The third attitude is that we will seek the comfort and help of the Lord in all our troubles for blessed are those who mourn. The fourth characteristic of the mind of Christ is: we will be meek, humble and not proud, arrogant, conceited or egoistic. The fifth attitude is that we will be merciful. We will not judge, grudge, fudge or budge. We will discern and judge in the way Jesus discerned and judged, not by the outward appearance but by the discernment of the Spirit and the will of the Father. The sixth attitude is that purity of heart or purity of both desires and emotions. We will not give room to bitterness, jealousy or lust and covetousness. The seventh attitude is that of peace, to always seek to be at peace with others, to be a peacemaker and a problem-solver, to alleviate suffering and division and to reduce conflicts and violence. The eighth attitude is faithful endurance, to be willing to take risks in taking a stand for Christ and face persecution, ridicule, opposition and rejection. The ninth attitude is to be joyful and glad, always giving thanks to God in all circumstances.

The nine attitudes that constitute the mind of Christ together also are the fruit of the Spirit, also nine in number: love,joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. We can draw up a table of these attitudes and fruit of the Spirit and measure ourselves against these on a scale of one to ten every day of our lives. As we grow more mature spiritually, our decisions that arise from our surrendered wills to Christ will also reflect these qualities of mind and heart.

Prateep V Philip
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spiritual Realisation/Love

Spiritual Yearning/Love


Seeking Grace/Patience


Purity of heart/self control




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