Monday, April 20, 2015

Unity Of Unities, Life is Unity

UV 1389/10,000 Unity of Unities, Life is Unity
And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD.

Ezekiel 37 v 14

The Spirit of God is the quickening spirit, the spirit who causes all things to live and to live forever. The Holy Spirit is the breath of God. It is the captured wind in our lungs that sustains us from breath to breath. Similarly, the capture of the Spirit of God, the breath of God sustains us. Just as the wind comes from all four directions, North, East, West and South or NEWs, we do not know from which direction the breath of God comes but He brings good news into our lives to give hope and eternal life to our dry spiritual bones. Without the Spirit of God, each of us are a set of disjointed parts like the bones of a fragmented skeleton. There is neither unity nor connection between the diverse parts of our lives. But when the Spirit comes, He gives us the unity, the meaningful connections between different parts of our lives. If Solomon was given the grace of believing in Jesus, he would have written “ Unity of unities, life is unity” instead of “vanity of vanities, life is vanity.” The Breath of God unifies us in our faith in Christ. He gives us spiritual strength symbolised by the muscles on our bones. He gives us spiritual food. He makes our spiritual joints supple and flexible. He revives us with hope in every crisis, every challenge and difficulty we face in life. Every part of our lives is no longer dry but well supplied and nourished with eternal hope.

Without the Spirit of God, our thoughts and emotions would have been pulled in different directions and torn apart but the Lord integrates us through His Spirit. He settles us in the land of the living. The land is a metaphor for the land of the living hope. He gives us eternal hope beyond our lifetime as well as hope for each day and for the whole of our lifetime. When we intake His Word daily, it releases the strength, the hope, the blessings we need in our lives. In the faith chapter of the book of Hebrews, it says that all those examples of faith like Abraham, Abel, Noah, Enoch did not receive the things promised. They were sure or certain of their hope in whom they believed. They were sure of the spiritual realms they were promised. They knew the “promised land” did not mean a physical territory here. They knew they too would physically die. But the hope of receiving an inheritance in a spiritual realm sustained them and gave substance and strength to their physical lives here and now. We receive power from the Spirit of God to overcome.
He is the One who places us in our own land. He places us where we live, where we work, where we travel. Through the happenings in our lives, we will know that the Lord has truly spoken the words of promise and hope in our lives and that He is the one who provides, who heals, who delivers, who protects, who preserves, who teaches, guides, leads and blesses our lives. We will know that He is one who performs His promises and executes His judgements in our lives. We are not able to perform or fulfil our own words. There are shortcomings or gaps. But the Lord always fulfils or performs to match His words. But the Lord’s hands or abilities and faithfulness never falls short of His words.

Prateep V Philip

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