Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Joy and Blessing in Thanksgiving

UV 1515/10000 The Joy And Blessing in Thanksgiving

And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.

Jeremiah 30 v 19

We should always rejoice in the tabernacle of the righteous. The tabernacle of the righteous refers not just to a temple but our bodies, hearts and minds that are the very temple of God. Our bodies are the outer periphery of the temple, the mind are the inner paths and the heart and spirit are the sanctum sanctorum where God dwells with us. Jesus is the capstone and the cornerstone of this living temple. Our lives are an opportunity to live out the truth of the Word and to test and experience its reality. Only the Lord is absolutely perfect or righteous. He is the Rock. All His ways are just. We should respond to His Being with continual outpouring of thanksgiving, praise and worship. We should celebrate His generic goodness to all creatures and His specific goodness to us. When we so rejoice and are glad, when we are thankful and reverential, when we earnestly praise and worship the Lord in spirit and in truth and the beauty of holiness, the Lord promises to multiply us so that we are not few and insignificant. He will make us significant or people who count and have an impact and influence.

The Lord also promises to not only increase us in numbers but He also promises to glorify us such that we will not be small and insignificant. He will enlarge us, our vision and our paths. He will make us a source of blessing to many. He will build us up. He will transform our lives. He will re-build the ruins or the broken parts. His glory will be revealed in our lives. He delights in delivering us against heavy odds. He is the One who triumphs always against impossible odds.

Every day we should take some time to celebrate, to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord to us this far, to thank, praise and worship Him. We and ours will be blessed just as it happened when Jesus prayed and blessed the five loaves and two fish of the little boy. The small resources were multiplied and increased to feed a multitude. Jesus did not create the situation where He multiplied the fish and bread. He only saw a real need – the hunger of hundreds of people who followed Him that day and listened to His teaching. Similarly, the Lord will see a real need in our lives and cause what is available to multiply and to be added. God’s math is to add and to multiply while satan’s math is to subtract and to divide. God rejoices when we rejoice while the latter rejoices when we are sad and depressed.

Prateep V Philip

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