Friday, July 15, 2016


UV 2011/10000 Omnicompetence
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me
Philippians 4 v 13

The Lord is omnipotent and He makes us omnicompetent or able to do all things. He strengthens us from within. He inspires in us the confidence and hope, the wisdom and courage, the knowledge and understanding, the ability and humility to be able to do that which we never thought we could do ever before. The One who strengthens us and gives us the power is the Holy Spirit. Jesus gives us the grace to succeed in whatever we attempt. As the Father promises in Psalm 1, “ he succeeds in everything he does.”
Those who understand human resources know that every strength has a corresponding weakness. If a person is good in speaking, he may be weak in execution. If he is good with things, he might be inept with people. The gifts and abilities are not evenly distributed or found in life. But as a believer, in every weakness of ours, the Lord manifests His strength, power and grace. As Moses stated that he was a man of stammering tongue, the Lord urged him to take Aaron with him as a speaker but no where in his confrontations with Pharaoh, do we hear of Aaron speaking to Pharaoh. It was Moses who thundered, “ Let my people go!” The Lord is not a general who sends His troops into war without equipping them, training and motivating them. In the world, we always find a gap between abilities and performance, between needs and resources, but the Lord always fill the gaps in abilities and resources.
What are the things that believers in Christ can do? We can speak in His name and deliver people from their bondages, cause people to rise from death if that be the will of the Lord, command healing in His name of diseases and afflictions. We can excel in our workplace as a testimony for Christ. We can endure much suffering and go to extraordinary lengths to help others. We can work with a common vision to be a blessing to humanity. The Lord will call us to do things and experiences that our eye has not seen, nor our ears heard or nor entered into our thoughts and imagination. He will make us go places for Him. He will infuse courage in us to withstand great trials and face the odds.

Prateep V Philip

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