UV 2036/10000 The Key To Eternal Success
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Joshua 1 v 8
This uni-verse prescribes the lifestyle that is certain to be blessed, prosperous and successful in a holistic sense. Scripture says that a good teacher stores many treasures in his heart and keeps drawing new and out ones out according to the need and situation. It implies that the Word makes a person internally and eternally not “temporarily” wealthy, successful and powerful. The Trumps, Buffets and Gates of this world are only temporarily wealthy, successful and powerful. For this to happen, we need to hold the Word in our hearts and minds. We need to remember it and recall it often. We should ruminate or chew on it both day and night even while attending our daily routine. Instead of brooding on our problems and deficiencies, we should delight in thinking about and understanding with the help of the Holy Spirit who interprets scripture to our spirits, hearts and minds. The Word is God’s breath solidified and it releases life, strength, power, wisdom, peace, grace and healing into our nostrils as we take it in or inspire it.
The next stage of applying scripture is to always have it on our lips. We need to quote it as Jesus quoted it to overcome the many temptations that the evil one brought His way. We need to include it in our conversations at home and at the workplace such that it makes our words salty with truth and grace and it comes alive in the lives of our hearers. When we speak aloud the Word, we are confessing it, professing it, declaring it. We become the mouthpiece of the Lord. We should be able to defend our faith truthfully and gracefully as well as effectively. Our communication abilities and content will be transformed. Our tongues, lips and vocal chords will be anointed and powerful instruments in the hands of the Lord. The Lord will not let our words fall to the ground but will vindicate and accomplish that which we speak of.
The purpose of knowledge is not to know it but to do it. The ultimate purpose of scripture is to apply it. An application a day keeps the doctor away and keeps us in good spiritual and emotional health. We need to carefully observe what is written in it and abide by it or obey it. It will give a solid foundation to our days and our lives. When our roots are nourished constantly and strengthened continually, we can take wing. Nothing can shake us. The net result would be that we would be greatly blessed. We will prosper in spirit, mind and body. We will succeed in whatever we set our minds and hands to which is in accordance with the sovereign and pleasing will of the Lord. Our lives will not be in vain but will be fruitful and meaningful. Our success will not be a Pyrrhic victory at great cost to our well being and that of others but it will be good, balanced and in various aspects of our lives and not just in financial terms. Our level of success will be beyond our natural abilities since we have supernatural power and grace flowing through us. The Word will also keep us from the follies and foibles that our human nature left to its own is prone to. The Holy Spirit will advise us through our intake of the Word in the success strategies we need to adopt in every domain of activity. The Word will help us anchor in deep and eternal values. The Word will also help us raise the bar of both our conduct and our performance. It will also stimulate or egg us on with the hope and motivation to glorify the Lord in all that we do. It will teach us to focus and to finish well.
Prateep V Philip
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