Sunday, October 2, 2016

Kingdom Dynamics

UV 2084/10000 Kingdom Dynamics
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Romans 14 v 17

The kingdom of man is a physical entity defined by a lavish consumption pattern. The chief goal in this physical world is the satisfaction of needs and wants. The kingdom of God is not about consumption but it is about accessing by faith the grace and righteousness of God in and through Christ. The reason why God does not manifest evidence of His existence, redemption and work in a physical way is because it will not then leave much scope for faith. We in fact are most receptive to the Word in times of affliction as our hearts are most sensitive during these times. We are able to cast off our carnal minds and able to think and perceive spiritually the things of the Lord.

By faith we have access to the righteousness, peace and indescribable joy in the Holy Spirit. Our enjoyment in life does not come from a mere satisfaction of our physical needs and wants but by seeking the rule of the Lord in our lives, by trusting His word and believing His promises. Our world view is not that of the world- “ Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you shall die.” Our meat is not of this world. Our bread that sustains our hope and spirit is the daily intake of His word. Our confidence is not in this world and its ways. Our confidence is in the Lord and His word. We drink deep of the Holy Spirit. There are fountains of joy and streams of life giving water flowing from our hearts.

The kingdom of God is near us, within us and amongst us. Our joy is not based on circumstances but on our faith and hope in the Word. Our stance of faith determines our circumstance. The Kingdom of God is not one of mere words but one of power. It is effective as the word translates into real time power in our daily lives and experiences. Love rather than fear drives our motives, thoughts, attitudes, behaviour and actions. It is manifested in our relationships and our hope of eternal life in Christ. We have peace that cannot be explained or understood in rational terms. We are planted in this world as trees of righteousness to produce a different fruit – of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. Self control implies that we are submitting ourselves voluntarily and wholeheartedly to the discipline and correction of the Holy Spirit who indwells us. We rejoice in hope before the fulfilment of the promises of the Lord and we rejoice again with grateful worship after it is fulfilled. Joy is a recurring pattern of our lives.

Prateep V Philip

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