UV 2730/10000 The DNA of Jesus
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust
2 Peter 1 v 4
We must be first partakers of the DNA(divine nature) of Jesus before we can be propagators of His divine nature. The invaluable and imagination-exceeding, need-fulfilling, awesome promises of the Lord are not meant primarily that we be blessed abundantly in this life but that we share in the divine nature of Jesus. He walked in the flesh on the earth without yielding to the lusts of the flesh or of the mind. Likewise, we too are to walk in the flesh without yielding to the lusts of the flesh or of the mind. We are in the world but of the Lord. The purpose of the ten thousand amazing wonder-working promises of the Lord are intended to keep us sailing like a ship on the surface of the sea of sin without going into or under it. We are to desalinate the sea water to make it fit for human spiritual consumption by means of the Word.
The DNA of Jesus implies that we should be saturated with the Word and the Spirit who interprets it to our spirits and minds. The DNA of Jesus implies that we should grow and be filled with the spiritual fruit of His nature of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. These nine fruit cover the entire gamut of spiritual values that constitute divine nature. Everything we think, speak and do should increasingly reflect these qualities of Jesus. Believers are experts in claiming scriptural promises to obtain healing, gifts, increase in income, solutions to marital and familial problems, deliverance from enemies, success and other benefits. But disciples of Jesus claim these very same promises primarily to obtain the DNA of Jesus. First, His nature in us, then only His benefits, His gifts, power and authority. We need to seek first His DNA and all the other things that the Lord decides we need will be added unto us, into us or onto us. In order for this to happen we need to diligently study the promises, understand its spiritual purpose and claim it to transplant the DNA of Jesus.
Our calling is to be servants not of the inherent corruption of this world but servants of righteousness. A servant obeys the commands of the master and then obtains the reward. Every promise of the Lord has a corresponding command, a principle to follow, to adopt, to practice in our lives. We need to understand these principles and follow it practically in our lives. We will then be transformed from being mere believers to faithful followers, from followers to disciples, from inconsistent disciples to consistent evangelists who live, breathe and walk the way of the Word. From partakers of the divine nature of Jesus, we become propagators of His DNA. From being consumers of blessings we become producers of blessings and blessings in ourselves. We become faith multipliers. Only when the arrow head is added to the shaft it becomes an effective and powerful arrow or it is only a shaft. When we partake of the DNA of Jesus, we become arrows in the quiver of the Lord.
Prateep V Philip
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