UV 2786/10000 The Six Dimensional Shalom of God
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4 v 7
The shalom of God is a wholesome peace encrypted in the letters of its spelling in an order of priority for all mankind. The first letter “S” stands for salvation. Obtaining peace with God through Christ, His chosen, anointed, sacrificed and resurrected Son is the number one priority of every believer. We need to obtain peace with God through the means made available by Him and not the imperfect means we ourselves devise in terms of religion, good works or sacrifice. Once we have peace with God, every other type of peace will follow: peace with self, relational peace with significant others, peace with enemies, peace with all fellow beings, peace with past, present and future, mental peace, spiritual peace, emotional peace. In other words, we will have perfect, complete, comprehensive and holistic peace. Once we have peace with God in Christ, we are no longer seekers but communicators of peace of God. The shalom of God cannot be obtained by reasoning as it is beyond all human understanding, beyond human discovery, beyond rationale, beyond human efforts at self amelioration. The Shalom of God being six-dimensional is beyond human perception and comprehension.
The second aspect of shalom as symbolised in the letter ‘h’ is health or healing. It was not an accident that most of the miracles of Jesus are to do with healing. He spoke these words, “ Your faith has made you whole”. In other words, our faith in the Word of Jesus gives us the shalom of God. The third aspect “a” stands for our inner fruit or our spiritual attitudes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. We are to abound in peace or shalom or be abundant in attitudinal fruit or results. The attitudes are reflected in our actions of shalom or peace. We are called to be peace-makers in this world, not peace-breakers. The fruit of love is important enough to be considered as the most important dimension of Shalom. We are to experience or taste the agape love of God and transfer or transmit as “phile” love or love for our fellow beings.
The fifth dimension to ensure Shalom of God in us is Obedience to the will and word of God. The boundaries of our behaviour and aspiration are established that protect our hearts and minds and keep us rooted in Christ. The last dimension is ‘M’ or material or monetary aspect. The Lord provides for our need abundantly, wonderfully, miraculously, sufficiently, supernaturally. All these six aspects together act like a protective wall around our hearts and minds. The shalom of God cannot be taken away or affected by earthly circumstances or supernatural forces of darkness. It is eternal peace that outlasts this life.
Prateep V Philip
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