Monday, October 2, 2017


UV 2789/10000 Anchoring
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 1 v 13
We need to hold on firmly to the sound teachings and precepts of Jesus and the apostles. Holding firmly implies to memorise, meditate and apply the apt word of God in appropriate way. We need to hold onto the teachings of Jesus with faith in Him that He is able to do that which He has promised us. We need to further teach others with love and humility and not with an attitude of self righteousness. The Word being double-edged cuts on both sides- the listeners as well as the speaker or teacher. Unlike a sharp weapon that takes life, it is a life-healing, life-enhancing and life-enriching instrument of the Lord. It penetrates the core of our being, even the bone and marrow and tissue of our bodies, minds and spirits bringing healing, deliverance and anointing.
Our faith in Christ is built up by hearing the word. We are blessed and strengthened when we do what we hear. Christ being the wisdom and power of God, we become filled with His wisdom and power. His wisdom guides us in our decisions, our conversations, our thoughts, the expression of our emotions. His power enables us to implement our decisions, control our otherwise uncontrollable tongues and regulate our inner being and feelings. The Holy Spirit enables and equips us to imitate the wisdom, faith and love of Christ. We begin to live out the attributes and attitudes of the faith and love of Christ as described by St Paul in Hebrews chapter 11 and I Corinthians chapter 13. The experiences and circumstances of life keep changing according to the weather over which we have no control like the ocean or sea but Christ remains our dynamic anchor in every situation.
Faith and love are two sides of the spiritual currency. Faith is like the skeleton that is the strong foundation and structure of our bodies while love is the flesh and blood that the skeleton is clothed with. In order to be alive spiritually, both faith and love are needed. One of the ways we can grow consistently in the faith and love of Christ is to anchor every breath on Christ, to use every breath to remember Christ, every breath to praise, thank and pray to Him. As we do this on a moment to moment basis, the wisdom and power of Christ will flow through us as breath and blood carry life sustaining oxygen and nutrients to all parts of our bodies.
Prateep V Philip

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