UV 2899/10000 Unction in Our Function
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps
Matthew 25 v 4
The parable of the ten virgins is to my mind not just an illustration by Jesus of the different responses of people but the readiness to receive and honour Him in the ten or several areas of life of the same individual. We like the ten virgins are handmaids of the Lord, the Bridegroom of Blood. We are waiting in obedience for Him or living our lives in faith but certain areas of our lives and our hearts are not yet surrendered to His lordship, not touched by the Holy Spirit, not ready to receive Him. Like a bread that is half-baked, we are good in parts and not edible or savoury in parts, wise in parts and foolish in parts, mediocre in some areas and excellent in other areas. We are to seek and renew our anointing in and by the Holy Spirit all the time. We are to seek His wisdom, counsel and comfort all the time.
The oil in the vessel that the five obedient handmaids had ready to replenish their lamps’ fuel is a symbol or metaphor of the Holy Spirit. We cannot prepare the unsurrendered, the unyielding parts of our lives on our own steam. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to keep us in a state of readiness to receive the Bridegroom. We need to be watchful in prayer and in meditating on His word and not caught unawares and in slumber in any area of our lives. We need to be like the two olive trees in Zechariah’s vision with our branches always dipped in our faith in the sanctifying blood of the Lamb that fuels the golden lampstand with seven pipes and seven lamps. We are to be shining with all round excellence, bearing all of the fruit of the spirit and not just some of the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. We are to exhibit these qualities at all times and not only when we are feeling spiritually good or when we are in certain company or fellowship or with certain people.
We are to replenish ourselves with the oil of gladness of the Holy Spirit, the anointing of power that gives us the energy and strength to endure, to be consistent, to be always alert and ready to face the enemy, to give an answer to defend our faith, to not let our guard down at any time and or in any situation. The oil is a metaphor for obedience to the word and to the Spirit of God, integrity and love. The lampstand and the seven lamps symbolise our whole lives, every part of it. The pipes symbolise that we are to be good conductors of the agape love of the Lord to this world of darkness, ignorance and evil. Like olive plants that can endure many seasons of heat, cold, wind, rain and dryness, we are to endure ups and downs, good and bad times, abundance and famine, support and opposition with growing faith and consistency in spiritual fruit. Wisdom is not partial obedience to the Lord but complete obedience.
Prateep V Philip
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