Uv2985 /10000 The Alpha of the Divine Nature or DNA
And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
I John 3 v 3
Jesus is the first in history who taught us through the Lord’s prayer to call Almighty God as “our Father.” He is emphasising that our relationship with the Father that He has introduced us to is the most important or significant matter in the whole universe. Just as a child resembles the father or parent, we too need to resemble the Father in our nature or character. The highest form of empowerment is to be called a child of God. Jesus gave us this right and privilege to be the children of God and not just be called so. He being the first born and we are declared His brothers and sisters, heirs of God and co-heirs with Jesus, we are to assimilate the DNA of Jesus or the divine nature of Jesus. Since we have the hope of being like Jesus when we meet Him face to face in eternity, we should purify ourselves of the dross of this world. We are to purify our motives, our speech, our actions and reactions.
It is said that faith can change even our physical DNA. The Lord renews our youth and enables us to run and not grow tired. Our physical DNA, our emotional DNA, our spiritual DNA should resemble the divine nature of Jesus, who being God became flesh and blood like any of us. Many impurities have crept into our lives as we conformed to the pattern of the world. We need to renew the image of Christ in us. We need to discard or eject from our lives the things that do not resemble the character of Christ. Our relationship with the Father through Jesus, the Mediator and the Holy Spirit, the Communicator defines all other aspects of our practical every day lives. As Jesus is merciful, we too need to be increasingly merciful in our transactions with other human beings. As Jesus is wise and gracious, we too need to be increasingly wise and gracious. As Jesus is loving and compassionate, we too need to be growing into more and more love and compassion. As Jesus is humble and gentle, we too need to learn from Him and increase in humility and gentleness.
The fruit of the Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control tally more or less with the nine attitudes described by Jesus in the beatitudes or the Sermon on the Mount contained in Matthew chapter 5. We are to increasingly develop these attitudes and attributes of Jesus. We are to reflect the seven fold spirit of God described in Isaiah chapter 9- the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, the spirit of counsel and might and the fear of the Lord. Concomitantly with our attitudes and attributes, we are to grow in wisdom, in stature and in favour with God and man as Jesus grew. Our diligence and application can accelerate the pace of our conformity with Jesus. The constancy of faith reflected in persistent prayer and our further augmenting our faith by studying, meditating, obeying and claiming scripture will add to the pace and efficacy of the process of purification of our faith, love and hope.
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