UV 3030/10000 The Alpha of Finishing Well
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God
Hebrews 12 v 2.
Statistically, it is said that less than twenty per cent of people finish well. They begin well or appear to do well at times in the middle of a project or in the course of their lives but do not finish well. This uni-verse exhorts us to look on Jesus as our model of finishing well. Jesus began His sojourn on Earth well and He finished well with His triumphant glorious resurrection. Between the start and the finish of the course He ran in life on earth, there were many ups and downs. His worst moment was while pierced to the cross, with streams of blood surging across multiple wounds all over His body, His followers having deserted Him, He lay condemned like the worst of condemned prisoners. He even felt He had lost His communion with the Father and the Holy Spirit. He felt abandoned by the Father to face the fate of a common and hardened criminal. Jesus went to the grave – the cave grave of a rich man. Yet, He rose again as predicted by Him on the third day. He again taught and ministered to His disciples, empowering them to preach and teach the gospel across the world. He breathed on them and they received the Holy Spirit and were empowered to be fearless apostles. Jesus finished well and gloriously for He ascended to Heaven to sit on His throne at the right hand of the Father. He continues to hear prayers, intercede for millions of the faithful and appear to some of them to this day.
Jesus not only gave us a model of finishing well. As an Author, He writes on the blank pages of our hearts and our lives His word, His life-giving truth. He stays by our side encouraging, enabling and helping us to finish well our work, our projects and our lives. He proclaimed to the Father, “ I have finished the work You sent me to do.” On the cross, His last words were, “ It is finished.” The work of providing the way, the truth and the life of salvation to all mankind had been completed forever.
Drawing on the inspiration, the strength, the help, the grace, the power the Lord and Perfector of our faith and our lives provides us, we should therefore set ourselves like flint or with utmost drive and determination to complete the work the Father has given us in our lifetime. We should fully utilise our time, talents, opportunities, resources to glorify the Lord by finishing well that which we set out to do or was given to us to do.
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