UV 3382/10000 The Power And Riches of Promises
With promises like this to pull us on, dear friends, let’s make a clean break with everything that defiles or distracts you, both within and without. Let’s make our entire lives fit and holy temples for the worship of God.
2 Corinthians 7 v 1
We are special purpose vehicles or vessels set apart for God. Hence, we should live a life of dedication or of focus on the locus- Jesus, the Starting point and central point of all creation. Just as the zeal of Jesus for His Father’ s house, made Him furious and caused Him to cleanse the temple, we should be full of zeal to keep our bodies clean and pure as a temple or tabernacle of the Lord. We should get rid of any attitudes, practices or habits that contaminate our bodies, minds or spirits. We should get rid of anything that defiles or damages or desecrates the image of God in us. The factors that defile us can lie within us or it could lie in the world outside us. People should be able to see the image of God mirrored in our lives.
We should not only avoid being affected by evil but we should be careful not to to be side tracked or distracted from our purpose of knowing and worshipping the Lord by the ways or wiles of the enemy of our souls. Since God has made our bodies and minds in an awesome or wonderful way, we have a duty to also behave and conduct ourselves in an unblemished way. Since we have the wonderful promises contained in the Word of God, we should always be full of hope, confidence, thanksgiving since His promises are trustworthy and the Lord is capable and willing to fulfill them.
Every aspect of our lives should be committed and dedicated to the Lord. There is a specific promise that we can claim for every situation and circumstance of life. The promises are meant for our encouragement, edification and upliftment. Remembering, meditating and claiming these promises is key to appropriating all that we need. Jesus is described as the “yes and Amen” to all God’s promises . He is the one who guarantees or underwrites these promises. The promises are solutions to our problems or needs. When we praise and worship the Lord for the provision of these promises, our spirits soar like eagles over the mountain tops. These promises provide us spiritual nourishment and strength so that we do not become “dry bones” or discouraged shadows of the people we are created to be.
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