Monday, December 14, 2020
The Process of Sanctification
UV 3687/10000 The Process of Sanctification
For those whom He predestined, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified ( declared free of the guilt of sin); and those whom He justified, he also glorified ( raising them to a heavenly dignity).
Romans 8 v 29
We were chosen by God to be saved, to be justified by our faith in the work and word of Jesus. Predestined implies not predetermination but the foreknowledge of God that we would trust Him and His Son Jesus. On account of such trust, we are freed from guilt. We are a people prepared for a prepared place for us in the kingdom of God. From a place under the earthly sun, we move to a place under the Son. In His foreknowledge, He also knows that we will be transformed by grace or be sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Sanctification is the preparation that God does for and in us. A house cannot clean itself for the habitation of the house owner. It is the Lord who not only builds the house but He sanctifies or cleans it to be a suitable habitation for His Spirit. When God inhabits us, our habits change for the better. When God inhabits us, little inhibits us.
Our inner bondages break when the Spirit sets us free. Manacles give way to miracles. Strongholds of false beliefs that make us weak crumble. Instead of disbelieving God and His word, we find our strength and our delight in it. We can rejoice again and again in the Lord even as the Spirit of God fills us with the hope of the abundant and eternal life to the point of overflowing. As God has not held back even His Son from us, we do not hold back anything from Him. We surrender ourselves to Him without fear or doubt or reservation.
Sanctification is a lifelong process. Eternal life begins now. Like the early apostles, we go through a journey of gradual change which is speeded up by some setbacks, some crises, some breakthroughs, some revelations. We subject ourselves willingly to the discipline of the Word and of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit are the evidence and deep imprint of God in our character and conduct. God, the Son is our eternal exemplar, our model, our soul deep influencer, God, the Holy Spirit is our Helper, Our Encourager, Our Remembrancer. God, the Father is our Rewarder. The only judgement we face is not for punishment for our shortcomings but rewards for our faithfulness.
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