Friday, January 29, 2021


UV 3724/10000 God But the Lord is the true God and the God who is Truth; He is the living God and the everlasting King. The earth quakes and shudders at His wrath, and the nations are not able to endure His indignation. Jeremiah 10 v 10 This uni-verse gives some attributes of God- that He is true, that he is Truth personified, that He is living and that He is the everlasting King. The earth shakes at His anger. The nations will not be able to endure the full extent of His anger. This uni-verse reveals some dimensions of the Lord God- His truthfulness, His living and real nature, His kingship. Since He is the only King who lives forever, whom the earth or the inanimate and the nations or the animate, both fear and obey, He alone is truly Sovereign and King. He is the only King who both nature and human beings and all creatures obey. Though the verse speaks only of the wrath of God, the fact that the Lord is not unleashing His anger all at once or all the time on the earth and the nations or all people shows that He is loving, merciful, compassionate, caring. As humans, we need to revere Him much more than earthly rulers. We need to both love and revere Him – a kind of loving awe that a child has for her father. He tempers His power and its exercise with truth. He is uncompromising. We can infer that He is just. He is wise, He is faithful. There is no truth apart in this universe from God. There is no truth in this universe He does not know. His knowledge is infinite while ours is very limited and restricted. We need to be still in the presence of God to sense, to feel, to experience His love, His power, His wisdom, His grace, His mercy, His awesomeness. Any issue we face in life we should bring it to His throne of power, His throne of justice, His throne of grace, His throne of mercy. We need to humble ourselves as we are tiny beings created in His image like Lilliputians before Gulliver or the proportion is even more extreme. We need to be aware and acknowledge at every moment, every day, every way His greatness, His incomprehensible desire to rule us, to love us, to redeem us.

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