Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Surrender Amounting to Substitution of Wills
UV 3691/10000 Surrender amounting to Substitution of Wills
Saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup (of divine wrath) from Me; yet not My will, but always Yours be done.”
Luke 22 v 42
Jesus prayed to the Father in this manner in the garden of Gethsemane. The most difficult thing for man to do is to surrender our wills to God, our Creator and Father. It is as we think we know what is best for us and we do not trust God. But Jesus trusted the Father implicitly and explicitly. Hence, He said, “ Father, if You are willing, remove this cup…” Earlier, he had asked his disciples who wanted to sit on His right and left, “ Are you willing to drink of the cup of suffering that I am to drink..?” Jesus was conscious of all aspects of the suffering He was to undergo to fulfil His mission on earth- the redemption of mankind. Every believer, if He is a true follower of Jesus has to drink a cup of suffering.
The Father did not remove the cup of suffering but He sent an angel to strengthen Jesus in His inner being. The appearance of an angel to Daniel also strengthened him. The Lord sends angelic beings to strengthen us so that we can endure a trial that is imminent. He does not leave us alone. We need to surrender our wills to the Father and to Jesus. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to strengthen us. The word “strengthen” here means to prepare us to face a great challenge, an immense difficulty that we cannot bear on our own natural strength. The Lord prepared Stephen for martyrdom by granting him a vision of heaven. Indeed, when we can peep into heaven and what it has in store for us, we are prepared to leave this life and this world behind.
Every day we need to surrender our wills to Jesus. We need to say to the Father -what is our heart’s desire, our preferences but leave it to Him to decide by saying, “ Not my will but Thine, O Lord.” Despite being strengthened by the angelic being, Jesus remained in great agony as He continued to pray and Luke records that He sweated drops of blood due to the intensity of His feelings. Likewise, in our lives, the Lord may allow us to go through times or moments of agony. It is not a sign of His having left us but the prelude to a great salvation. The substitution of our wills by that of the Father in heaven is a guarantee of great reward, of tremendous blessing. After this Father-Son moment, Jesus faces the betrayal of Judas, the denials of Peter, the trials before the Sanhedrin, before Pilate, the demand to crucify Him by the Jewish people, the journey with the cross, the crucifixion, the moment of extreme isolation on the cross when the unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit is broken for the first time in eternity. On the journey carrying the cross, a man called Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus under compulsion of the Roman soldiers but as a result, Jesus today helps us carry our cross through our journey of life.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Unshakable Faith Foundation
UV 3690/10000 Unshakable Faith Foundation
Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, and offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship with reverence and awe.
Hebrews 12 v 28
The kingdoms of this world have a shaky foundation and can be shaken but the kingdom of God is built on the rock of faith in Jesus. Hence, it cannot be shaken, displaced, supplanted, defeated. We are, therefore, to be grateful that we belong to such a kingdom. We have eternal security through our faith in Christ. We have permanent peace and victory over the vagaries of life. We are confident and need not be fearful of those who belong to such kingdoms that can be shaken.
As a sign of our gratitude that we belong to the kingdom of God, we should offer our lives as a pleasing sacrifice to God. Putting into constant practice, the principles we learn from the word is a rock foundation of faith on which we build our lives. We cannot say we worship the living and loving God if our lives do not reflect the influence of the teachings of Jesus on a daily basis in all that we do. The word supplies us with an abundance of “rock salt” that meets the deficiencies in our character and in our resources at one and the same time.
Our offering of praise, worship and thanksgiving becomes acceptable to God only when our heart attitudes and our lives coincide. The kingdom of God is not one of preachers but of “do-nation.” Our faith and reverence for God should be manifested in our words and deeds. God sees through us and knows our every thought and even the motive behind every thought. We need to prove like Jesus did that it is possible to live in accordance with His word in this world. The Holy Spirit continually aids, guides and encourages us as we make worship and reverence our lifestyle.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
The Kingdom of Heaven
UV 3689/10000 The Kingdom of Heaven
From that time Jesus began to preach and say, “ Repent (change your inner self- your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life), for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Matthew 4 v 17
Jesus, the Prince of Heaven, the Son of God should know where the kingdom of heaven is located. He said that it was not far but it was “at hand.” Jesus brought access to heaven to us here on earth. We believed it was far away in both time and geography but Jesus said, “ it is nearby, so close it is in our hearts.” When we believe the word of Jesus and receive Him as the Word of God sent to us, heaven is in us. From the position of being near us, it is IN us. Hence, Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within us and amongst us.” It meant the rule of God is demonstrated, proven, manifested in our inner life, our hidden thoughts and emotions and motives as well as in our relationship with our fellow beings, fellow humans. Hence, the kingdom of heaven and of God does not commence in our after life, after our physical deaths but here and now. We die spiritually to our former lives and live as new creations of God.
The simple word, “repent” has so many implications-a turning away from our old ways, our sins, our former self and turning towards God, heaven, Jesus. It implies we do not produce evil fruit( bad thoughts, words, actions)n in keeping with repentance and good fruit ( good thoughts, words, actions) in keeping with salvation. We need to prove to others that we are truly saved in Christ. The things we used to do we no longer do. The positive things we never used to do, we now do.
We no longer live to please ourselves but to serve God, to fulfill His purpose for our lives. Since it is His purpose that we are now pursuing, we are given the power, the strength, the anointing, the grace, the empowerment and the enablement. It is no longer I living my life but Christ-in-me who is living. I now have access on a continual basis to His love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whenever there are distractions, detours, disturbances that affect love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, the very definition of heavenly life, the life of spiritual abundance that Jesus promised His followers, it is an interruption of heaven. Living in the kingdom of God is essential prerequisite for being in the kingdom of heaven for we cannot have a heavenly experience without obeying God, specifically, the Word of God.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Keeping the Temple of Our Bodies and Minds Clean
UV 3688/10000 Keeping the Temple of Our Bodies and Minds Clean
And Jesus entered the temple (grounds) and drove out (with force) all who were buying and selling ( birds and animals for sacrifice) in the temple area, and He turned over the tables of the moneychangers and the chairs of those who were selling doves.
Matthew 20 v 12
In the new covenant, since the real temple of God is our own bodies and minds, we should have the zeal of Jesus to maintain, preserve our whole being as a sacred space for God. Just as Jesus drove out with unusual force the ones who were commercializing sacrifice and worship in the temple, we should drive out any thought, emotion, motive that tries to profit financially from our faith. God hates those who commercialise the gospel of Jesus and try to make money out of it. Instead, we should consecrate ourselves to the Lord and aim to serve Him wholeheartedly and not with a divided heart, half of it with allegiance to this world and the other half to Him.
We need to put to death all our evil desires and make a sacrifice of our old self. For the sacrifice the Lord desires is a spirit of contrition, purity and humility before Him. We should reflect the same ruthless attitude Jesus manifested towards sin and its roots. We should drive out of us every trace of pride, lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye. The word of God is the whiplash that we use to drive out these demons out of us. Jesus used the extreme metaphor that if our right eye caused us to sin, we should gouge it out and throw it away. If our left hand, caused us to sin, we should cut it off.
The awe of God and reverence for His holiness should seize our minds and cause us to abhor anything that the Lord dislikes and to give it up, lock, stock and barrel. We should not compromise in the small things for the enemy uses these small compromises to deceive us into something larger and detrimental to our walk with God. Like Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers who were deceived into thinking that they were doing a good thing by helping people donate to the temple, we should overturn the table of the enemy and never deign to dine or consort with him. Of course, at all times we should seek the help and counsel of the Holy Spirit to discern what is amiss in our lives and try to set it right. Cleansing or sanctification is a daily and lifelong process that requires our active cooperation and participation.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
The Magnifying Lens
UV 3687/10000 The Magnifying Lens
He must increase (in prominence), but I must decrease.
John 3 v 30
John and Jesus were like blood brothers as they were cousins. Yet, John, the older sibling anointed and chosen from birth like Jesus knew clearly that Jesus is the Bridegroom of the church and that he was at best only the best man at the wedding. He was the herald of the Messiah. Jesus paid encomiums to John by saying that he was the greatest born of flesh and blood. Yet, John humbled himself by saying that he was unworthy of untying the lace of the sandals of Jesus. John said, “ He must increase while I must decrease.” This was fulfilment of the word sent through Isaiah, the prophet that the government and power and influence of Jesus would increase in this world. John was in the mode of self abnegation and denial of the pleasure his ego would have found in people adulating him as a great prophet. Instead, he found pleasure in glorifying Jesus.
Indeed, our egos, our old nature, our selfishness should decrease over time and the power and influence of Jesus in our lives should keep increasing. The more we empty ourselves, the more the Holy Spirit can fill us and enable us to fulfil the will of God and of Jesus in our lives. In everything we think, speak and do, the central focus is not we, ourselves but Jesus as Lord and Saviour. The more we decrease, the more the fruit of the Spirit will have scope to be manifest in our lives.
The Jewish temple had vessels consecrated to God that could be used only for sacred or divinely ordained purposes. Likewise, we are consecrated, set apart to be holy vessels to carry the name and word and work of Jesus forward in all that we think, speak and do. By humbling ourselves, by lowering ourselves before Jesus and for Jesus, we honour Him. The Lord in turn will bless us, lift us up as we point all things to Him. Where formerly we used to look at all things through the lens of our own egos and our agenda was foremost, now we become magnifying lens for the name and person and work of Jesus. We see our lives as having meaning in lifting up His name.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
The Morning Star
UV 3686/10000 The Morning Star
So we have the prophetic word made more certain. You do well to pay (close) attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and light breaks through the gloom and the morning star arises in your hearts.
2 Peter 1 v 19
This morning I rose early and is my habit, cycled to the nearby beach. The sea and sky was a dull grey as the sun rose behind a thick cloud. But a few moments later, the sun rose with all its effulgence and completely lit up the sky and the sea, tinging all with the hue of its golden silhouette. The thought struck me that life for mankind would be dull, grey or dark without the effulgence of God in our lives. The day dawns for us the moment we recognize that Jesus is the Morning Star of our lives who cannot be compared even with the sun, the morning star of the earth. As Peter wrote, He “rises in our hearts.” Once Jesus rises in our hearts, He never sets in the sense He never leaves us or forsakes us. Unfortunately, many believers carry Jesus in their hearts and lives not as the Morning Star but as a “mourning star.” Since He is the Morning Star, we can always rejoice despite circumstances. He guides us with His word as with a lamp, with the Holy Spirit as with a flashing torchlight.
Though an early Greek astronomer Anagoras (c 450 BC) recognized the sun as a star that shines to create our day on earth, it took Kepler and Copernicus in the seventeenth century AD to establish the fact. Yet, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Peter refers to Jesus as the Morning Star in the first century AD. It is due to the relationship we have with God through Jesus, that we experience the dew of His compassion, the effulgence of His grace shining in and through our lives like the noon day sun. When our hearts continually bask in the light of Jesus like sun bathers from cold countries when they visit tropical beaches, our lives are lit up. We reflect the radiance of the Shekinah glory of God in our lives.
It is found that the gamma rays emerging from the Sun’s reactive core travels for a million years within the sun before it leaves the corona, the outer surface of the sun, reaching the earth in a few minutes. The holiness and power of God is so great but Jesus makes it possible for us to approach His throne of mercy, His throne of grace. The reproach of our sins having fallen on Him, the face of the Almighty God shines on us with warmth, enough to light up our lives, to energise us but not enough to scorch or burn us. In our times of need, Jesus rushes to us, to our side to comfort, to protect, to nurture, to encourage, to provide, to guide, to lead, to deliver. The sun in many cultures is worshipped in the morning as it is viewed as the source and sustainer of all life on earth but is in actual fact, inanimate, impersonal though impartial as it shines on all as the Bible says, on the righteous and the wicked, making no distinction in our deeds or our motives. But our Morning Star, Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness is worshipped at all times as His love fills our hearts to the brim and overflows in words and deeds of goodness of which He Himself is the Author.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Authority of The Author
UV 3685/10000 Authority of the Author
Then Jesus said to them, “Nor am I telling you by what (kind of) authority I do these things.”
Luke 20 v 8
Jesus on being questioned about the source of His power- from God, the devil or man, did not reply. On another occasion, Jesus read from Isaiah chapter 61, “ The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, to bring good news to the humble and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the wounds of the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the (physical and spiritual) captives and freedom to the prisoners.” He had clearly been anointed, commissioned by God Almighty to do these things- declare the good news of salvation, to deliver the afflicted, to heal the broken hearted, to set free the captives of curses, evil and prison. The word, “authority” is derived from “author.” God is the author of life and of His word. Hence, His word is also inducing and producing life.
We, too, as followers and believers derive our authority to do “these things” from the Lord God and from His Son Jesus. Another meaning of authority is legitimate power. We legitimately wield the power and authority of Jesus by the anointing of the Holy Spirit to proclaim eternal life, the kingdom of God, salvation to the needy and humble. The uni-verse emphasizes the importance of humility in order to believe and receive salvation in Christ. Worldly physicians can only advice and help in the healing of external or physical wounds but Jesus, the Author of healing and deliverance can alone heal the inner man, the deep inner wounds of emotional hurt, abuse, fears of a human. By His authority, we too can be instruments of delivering the healing of the Lord to those who are humble and broken hearted around us.
We need the constant guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit to carry and exercise the authority of God in our lives since we, unlike Jesus are frail and prone to temptations. We are also accountable to God for the exercise of authority. We cannot keep it idle and we cannot abuse it, too. “ These things” is not limited to just preaching and healing or deliverance. This is the reason Jesus said, “ You shall do greater things than Me.” According to life’s situations that are often unique, we are called to exercise godly power in the name of Jesus. For a lawyer, judge or police officer, the more he knows the law, the greater is his authority. Likewise, the more we know God’s word, the more we know Jesus, the more power flows in us and through us.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Jesus At the Door
UV 3684/10000 Jesus at The Door
Do not complain against one another, believers, so that you will not be judged (for it). Look! The Judge is standing right at the door.
James 5 V 9
If we always think that Jesus, the Righteous Judge is at the door as we are speaking or doing something, it will keep us from speaking or doing what is off the mark in the eyes and hearing of the Lord. We should not judge our fellow brother or sister of a wrong when we ourselves are guilty of that wrong or something even greater. It is the prerogative of the Lord to judge and it does not lie in the domain of man. Of course, it does not include the professional acts that a judge, a police officer, a counsellor, a teacher needs to do on a regular basis as part of their professions. This uni-verse is applicable in our daily interactions and relationships at home and in the workplace.
When the judge in a court is being ushered into the court, there is a respectful silence in the room. Everyone stands up out of reverence for the law. Everyone’s eyes and ears are focused on the judge. How much more should we revere the entrance of Jesus into our spaces! We should subject whatever we say about others to the filters of the wisdom of the Word. We should stop carping or blaming others about the ills or annoyances or hindrances we suffer in life. Joseph rightly said to his formerly conspiring brothers and later, guilty, nervous and fearful for their lives before the Judge Joseph, “ Can I take the place of God to judge you! You did it to harm me but God intended it for good, for the salvation of the house of Israel.”
Another reason we should not judge others is that we know too little or not enough of the circumstances and motivations of others. If we are merciful and gracious to others in our lives, that same measure will be used by the Lord to measure us. The more generous and gracious we are to others, the Lord will expand His grace towards us. The spirit of appreciation instead of complaining and criticism should replace the critical spirit. The attitude of thanksgiving and cheerfulness should adorn our hearts and lips like a precious ornament. When we realize that Jesus and the presence of God is near to us, we will not say half the things we say or do. Instead, we will exude the joy, peace and other fruit of the spirit in all that we think, speak and do.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Called to Be Overcomers
UV 3683/10000 Called to Be Overcomers
I have told you these things, so that in Me you have (perfect) peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous ( be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy); I have overcome the world.”
John 16 v 33
Jesus told us all things, about His death, about His resurrection, about our eternal life in Him. Hence, we have perfect peace as complete payment has been made for our restoration to God. He does not promise that our lives will be a bed of roses but warns us of the thorns of persecution, distress, suffering that is bound to mark the life of the believer. Yet, in the midst of it, we can be courageous, confident, overflowing with peace and joy as Jesus has shown us the way we can overcome all of these and the world. We are called to be Overcomers like Him. We need to overcome our fears, our worries, our troubles, our weaknesses, our temptations.
Jesus in this uni-verse was strengthening His followers to face hardship and struggles as they walked in faith in Him. He knew that they would soon be scattered and they would leave Him alone. He desired that they know the only true, supreme and sovereign God, His Father even as they knew Him as the Son sent by the Father to redeem mankind. He told His disciples that He had overcome as He had completed His mission on earth, completed the work assigned by the Father. In so doing He had glorified the Father. By completing our work on earth, we too are overcoming the world and we, too are glorifying the Father and the Son with the constant help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus manifested the name of the Father in all that He said and did. Likewise, we too should manifest the name of the Father and the Son Jesus in all that we say and do in our lives.
The words of Jesus gave His disciples a strong sense of courage and commitment that they began to manifest themselves as overcomers, as apostles of Jesus. We are not of the world though we are in the world. Hence, there is always a tension, a struggle imminent in our lives. But the word of Christ is what will strengthen, encourage and enable us to complete our work, fulfill His purpose, glorify His name. To hold His word in our hearts and have it in our mouths like a sword of the spirit is what will establish and give us abiding victory in Christ.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Living Stones
UV 3682/10000 Living Stones
You (believers) like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house for a holy and dedicated priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices (that are)acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.
I Peter 2 v 5
Peter ,moved by the Holy Spirit as he wrote, moves from the image of the tenderness of a new born baby to the contrasting metaphor of the believer of Jesus being a living stone. The only thing the new born baby does on his own is to drink milk. The only thing new born believers have to do is to drink or to think the word of God. That will enable us to mature over time and grow in terms of our salvation into “living stones” in the spiritual house or Tabernacle of God. Our lives, then are not about us achieving our ambitions but to be prepared, built up for God to live in us. We should become a suitable habitation for the Lord. We should be part of a living edifice where spiritual sacrifices and worship is offered unto Him.
We can be living stones only in conjunction or contact with the precious Cornerstone of Jesus. While the world rejected Jesus, we have been chosen or given the grace to accept Him as the cornerstone of our lives. By virtue of this, we have become a royal priesthood, a chosen race, a consecrated nation, a special people and possession of the Lord to declare the praises of Him who called us out of awful darkness into His awesome light. The Word (Jesus) like a good sculptor chisels away at our angularities and deformities, our rough edges and makes us smooth and right to fit into our groove in His living temple, the church.
We begin as ordinary stones in the hands of the Lord but He works on us using the word as a chisel and the Holy Spirit as a skillful designer. He transforms us into precious living stones that fit perfectly into His design. Even our erstwhile fault line and cracks emerge as patterns in His beautiful design. As living stones, we do not remain static but are ever growing to fulfill the will and plan of the Master Builder. We are not stand alone stones but have life and light only in connection with the Cornerstone.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Land of the Rising Son
UV 3681/10000 Land of the Rising Son
But for you who fear My name (with awe-filled reverence) the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap (joyfully) like calves (released) from the stall.
Malachi 3 v 18
The principal benefit we get from the sun appears to be light. But it also provides heat that keeps us from freezing to death. It also stimulates the production of Vitamin D that is needed for the health of our bodies and the strength of our bones. Hence, instead of avoiding the Son (sun is both a homonym and a synonym for the Son of God), we should bask in His light, bathe in His righteous blood, washed clean by His righteousness ( light) and also be warmed or encouraged by His word. Each verse in scripture is a ray of His grace that should penetrate our very soul, our inner being, our bones. It would then strengthen us in the spirit.
Even insensate plants when cut off from the sun’s light, turns its shoot towards the sun producing the phenomenon of etiolation of the plant. How much more, we, the believers of Jesus, the glorious Sun of righteousness should turn our faces, our vision, our hearts, our lives towards the light of Jesus! He rises inside us and we find healing in His two wings of prayer and the word. Each believer, then is the “Land of the Rising Son.” Like the rising sun reveals its glory on the horizon, He manifests His glory, goodness and greatness in our lives. As He does, we will gambol or run around in sheer delight like young of cattle that are released from the confines of the pen or the cattle stalls. We will leap joyfully in worship of the Lord, the Glorious Physician, Glorious Scientist, Glorious Counsellor, Glorious Police Chief, Glorious Businessman, Glorious Farmer et al.
We find our health, healing, protection, provision, promotion, security and eternal life in Christ Jesus. The other contemporary disciples knew Jesus, the Christ while Paul met or encountered Christ Jesus, the Risen Saviour,the Glorious Resurrected One. Each of us in this time and age have also met or encountered not Jesus Christ but Christ Jesus. In experiencing Him in our lives in a real sense, we share His anointing by the Holy Spirit. We do not remain calves or immature in faith and strength but we grow to be mature, strong shepherds led by the one Good Shepherd. We began our faith walk by fearing His name but now we love Him. Reverence has given way to love. His grace enables us to rejoice in Him. Rejoicing in Him is the source of our nourishment and strength.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Day and Night
UV 3680/10000 Day and Night
And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.
Genesis 1 v 5
The night and day are not just times when there is no light and there is presence of light but it is symbolic of good and bad times, periods of activity and periods of rest, periods when we sense the presence of God with us ( Light) and times when we don’t. The sudden darkness on the earth when Jesus gave up the Spirit on the cross is an example of the time when God, the Father and the Holy Spirit left the Messiah alone so that full payment is made for the redemption of mankind. Jesus is called Daystar on high for this reason for He brought light into this dark world in His Being.
Times when we knowingly or unknowingly move away from God on account of our deeds are also nights. Even in times of “ night” the word of God acts as a lamp to illuminate our hearts, to show us the path we should now take. When we look back on our lives, we see a pattern of alternating day and night in our lives. We are like watchman waiting anxiously for the break of first light, the dawn. The first light might be a word from God or an answer to a long time prayer, the fulfilment of hope.
The morning sees an outburst of energy. Likewise in the early part of our spiritual journey, we are full of zest and zeal but by the evening of our lives, a certain quiet descends on us as we look forward to being united with the Lord. God’s promises and faithfulness are as certain as the sunrise and we can completely depend on it. We can also shut out the light of God’s presence by hiding from Him as someone who hides in a room with all curtains and blinds down. Intense exposure to the sun’s rays at noon is required for us to generate enough Vitamin D. Likewise, the intensity and intimacy of our fellowship with the Lord imparts the Vitamin D we need in our lives to be strong, brave, faithful – Devotion, Dedication, Determination, Discipline and Diligence.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
God's Plan for Man
UV 3679/10000 God’s Plan for Man
“For I know the plans that I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29 v 11
One of the most amazing and reassuring promises recorded in the Word and anywhere in this world. The Lord declares and affirms that He has plans not to harm us or to punish us or destroy us but plans only for our well being, our good success, for our happiness. He has plans to give us an expected end, an expected end to our minutes, hours, days, months, years and our whole life. He has specific plans to fill our lives with overflowing hope, This is the reason, He spared His only begotten Son, Jesus to redeem us from the plans of the enemy of our souls. While the Lord has plans to prosper us, the enemy has plans to harm us, to afflict us, to have us punished along with him. Jesus came to give us abundant hope, abundant love, abundant power, abundant joy and defeat the plans of the latter.
The Lord has plans to do for us better than at our beginnings. He has plans to enable us to enjoy His grace, mercy, blessings in this lifetime and eternity to come. Hence, we can be confident in our hope, we can be joyful in the present and secure about the future. We were not entitled to any of these promises or blessings but through the grace of God manifested in Jesus, we become co-heirs with Him in the kingdom of God. We need not be worried or anxious about what the day or days will bring forth like the rest of the world. We do not believe in omens and portents but in the Lord Amen. We are not afraid of the day’s troubles, of death or of eternal judgement thanks to this decree of the Lord.
What the Lord has declared over our lives is infallible, unfailing, certain to happen. But only the Lord knows the plans He has for us. He does not reveal all of it at one go. We need to ask wisdom and guidance and submit to His will step by step as it is revealed. He has many surprises and sometimes even shocks in store for us. Not only do we not know His plans, we do not understand it fully when it is revealed or while it is happening or unfolding. We only need to submit wholeheartedly, willingly and with complete trust each day, each step of the way.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
God or Materialism
UV 3678/10000 God or Materialism
But when the young man heard this, he left grieving and distressed, for he owned much property and had many possessions ( which he treasured more than his relationship with God.
Matthew 19 v 22
The young man treasured his possessions more than his relationship with God. This was his tragic flaw which Jesus knew. The lesson to be learnt is that in the course of our lives, the Lord might bless us with many possessions like the young man in conversation with Jesus but we must never treasure it more than our relationship with God. Our love for things must not exceed our love for God and if required by God or in order to continue our right relationship with God, we should be prepared to give it up. Jesus was testing if the young man could give up his possessions for the sake of following God. But the encounter ends with the young man grieving and distressed for he could not do what Jesus asked of him.
We can pray that the Lord does not put us through such a tough choice in our lives. Burt if push comes to shove, like St Paul we should consider the things we have gained in this world by the blessing of the Almighty to be garbage or of no value in comparison with the love of God. The relationship with God through Jesus should occupy the chief place in our hearts and lives such that neither riches nor poverty, pleasure nor hardship, fortune nor misfortune, death nor life, principality nor power can separate us from the love of God. In the Old Testament, the followers of Elisha, the prophet was asked to leave behind their oxen and plough even as the disciples were asked to leave their boats and nets to follow Jesus.
We ought not to value our material blessings more than our Blessor, Provider, Enabler for it would otherwise be used by the enemy of our soul to ensnare us. Our attitude towards our material possessions determines the way we use it for the satisfaction of our needs, to help others in need, to be of assistance to the needy in the body of Christ. The possessions were not the obstacle in the young ruler’s faith but his attachment to it, his reliance on his wealth instead of relying on the grace of God. Likewise, we should seek the Holy Spirit’s help and guidance to be careful of our attitude towards our material assets. Thankfulness to the Lord for His blessings, contentment and charity are good antidotes to prevent our possessions from possessing us. Our attitude towards our possessions should in no way provoke a ‘jealous’ God in that we become slack in our devotion to Him, complacent, replacing Him with things as the source of security or joy. Our possessions should not be a golden calf in our lives that we adore but a means of knowing how the good Lord has been gracious to us and to also understand its transitoriness and impermanence against the sovereignty of God. We should be able to say like Job, “ What God has given, He can take away.”
Monday, March 15, 2021
The Old Nature Giving Way to The New
UV 3767/10000 The Old Nature Giving Way to the New
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour ( perpetual animosity, resentment, strife, fault-finding) and slander be put away from you, along with every kind of malice ( all spitefulness, verbal abuse, malevolence)
Ephesians 4 v 31
We should put away like filth the traits of our human nature, our old nature- anger, wrath, fault-finding, slander, malice of every kind. Instead, we are to put on the qualities of Christ- kindness, helpfulness, compassion, understanding, forgiving nature. We should always be conscious that we are new creations or new creatures in Christ. We are to put to death our old nature and its traits and and encourage, allow the new life, the new nature to surge forward. Carrying the cross daily implies doing this- denying our old nature that is waiting in the background to assert itself and affirming the nature of Christ in us.
Since we are grafted onto God in Christ, we are to reflect, manifest consistently the Christ nature. When a new branch is grafted onto a plant, the branch takes on the qualities of the plant. By grace we are grafted onto the True Vine, Jesus and we are to bear the fruit of the true vine. We are to get rid of the root of bitterness in us. Instead, we should apply the sweet balm of forgiveness as God has forgiven all our faults, mistakes, errors, willful sins in Christ. The sanctifying grace of God is poured on us by means of the Holy Spirit. We receive the power to break old habits and die hard qualities of our old nature.
We cannot be a stream that bears both sweet and bitter water at the same time. It will be as if we are a mix, a split personality like Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde, showing two different faces, one to the church and the other to the world. We cannot lead a double life of holiness in public and adultery or impurities in our private life. Continually, measuring ourselves against the Word is a way to keep at it to be transformed into the Christ nature. The Holy Spirit also continually weighs our thoughts and the motives behind the thoughts. For the Lord expects integrity in our inner being.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Being Spiritually Proactive
UV 3766/10000. Being Spiritually Proactive
I have told you these things so that you will not stumble or be caught off guard and fall away.
John 16 v 1
Jesus before His trial and crucifixion warned his followers that they would be persecuted, killed, tortured. He was preparing them not for a life of ease but for the trials and tribulations that lay ahead. He did not want them to stumble in their walk with God, or be taken unawares or to fall away or back slide. He did not tell them these things at the beginning as they should not get discouraged but now that He was leaving their company and the Earth, He was encouraging them to be strong in the Lord and not to give up regardless of the opposition and persecution they would face.
We, too are to be spiritually proactive and be wary of the moves of the enemy. By listening to the Lord’s voice continually, we will be aware of what the powers of darkness are plotting against His people. The Holy Spirit is our Advocate. He will take whatever the Father and the Son Jesus want us to know and communicate it to us in a way we can understand. He is our Counsellor to guide us in our decision making. He is our Comforter when we are persecuted or face predicaments. The concern of Jesus was that not one of His disciples barring Judas who the enemy had seduced would fall away. Hence, in His last intercessory prayer He casts this burden at the feet of the Father that He would keep all the sheep that the Father had given into His hands.
Jesus wants us to be shrewd as the serpent and gentle as the dove, implying that like a serpent senses through vibrations on its path any approaching danger or stranger, it then avoids that path, we too should check out the vibes before we venture on any path. Like a dove, we should use the wings of prayer and the word to fly over, or past any approaching predator. In order to lead a spiritual life in this materialistic world, we need to have versatile abilities and qualities.
The Fountain of Purification
UV 3765/10000 The Fountain of Purification
In that day a fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the people of Jerusalem for (cleansing from ) sin and impurity.
Zechariah 13 v 1
The word of God is the fountain in our house that is meant for cleansing us of sin and of impurities. Jesus is king of Salem or King of Peace and King of Righteousness like Melchizedek. He is supreme in peace and in righteousness. We obtain peace like a river from Him. He restores us to a peaceful and perfect relationship with the Triune Godhead. Once, having obtained peace through the blood of Jesus with God, we are obliged to be like Him in righteousness. Our house and our bodies become the tabernacle or temple of God. Hence, we have joy in the tabernacle and hear the voice of joy therein.
The Lord promises to refine us as silver is refined. He tests us as gold is tested in fire. The word comforts us when we pass through the furnace of affliction. It gives us courage to endure suffering with thanksgiving and praise. We call on the name of Jesus when we undergo such troubles. He says to us, “ You are My people.” We will say of Him, “ The Lord is our God.” He purifies us even as Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. He removes the dross from our character and the impurities in our faith. He makes us whole, complete by furnishing our otherwise empty hearts with love.
While the world promises only a glass either half full or half empty or full, the Lord promises rivers of life giving water that will flow from our hearts. These are the nine attributes or fruit of the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. These qualities rise and fall in our hearts like a fountain of joy unto the Lord. We, humans treasure the gifts and rejoice in it while the Lord God rejoices in the fruit, of the spirit, of character, our inner being. A sign of spiritual maturity is that we begin to value the fruit more than the gifts and covet it in fervent prayer and diligent practice.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Continuity and Change
UV 3764/10000 Continuity and Change
Jesus Christ is (eternally changeless, always) the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 14 v 8
Christ is the Rock in the midst of a raging sea of time. He is the only Constant in a world of continual change. He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever beyond time and space. His mercy and grace is consistent towards us. His covenant of peace written in His blood is forever. There is no expiry date for His promises. We are the variables. Everything about us is changing- our bodies, minds and spirit but the Lord holds us in His hand to give us stability. Hence, we rely on His ability not ours as the latter could belie us or fall short of what is needed.
In this aspect of being unchanging or constant is a dimension that Jesus shares with the Father in heaven, who declared Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Though His grace and mercy manifested itself in different ways to the three generations, His love is constant. When we need rescue from a pit or prison, we should cry out to the God of Joseph. When we find our enemies are closing our wells( the sources of our well being), we should cry out to the God of Isaac. When we are in danger of being deceived, we should cry out to the God of Jacob. When we are facing overwhelming odds, we should cry out to the God of Elijah. When we are facing threats of punishment or trial for no fault of ours but our faith, we should cry out to the God of Daniel.
Though Christ is constant, His word is dynamic, growing and living to meet our ever changing need. It is the water that springs forth from the Rock. Hence, like in human history, we have two threads running through our experiences, our testimonies, our personal history or biography- the thread of constancy and continuity of faithfulness of God, the thread of change of our faith. Jesus is the lighthouse on the high rock of time for all to see. His light shines in all directions. His love reaches all, both near and far. His constancy and strength keeps us from shipwreck of our lives, keeps us on course and steadily sailing towards God’s harbour, our haven in heaven.
Protection and Reward
UV 3763/10000 Protection and Reward
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield; Your reward (for obedience) shall be very great.
Genesis 15 v 1
The context of the uni-verse is that Abram is childless and his deep desire is to have a child to be his heir. The Lord God responds to the cry of his heart by sending His word of promise. He asks Abram not to fear. He first promises to be His shield, His defence, His protection in 360 degrees. He also promises to reward Abram greatly for his obedience. Abram’s great faith in Jehovah is equated with obedience and transforms him into Abraham, the name change a symbol of the inner transformation wrought by his faith in God and His word. Likewise, we are to emulate Abraham in our fearlessness, our faith, our obedience. The Lord is surely our shield, our reward for obedience will be very great.
Faith and obedience are preconditions to receiving and appropriating the promises of the Lord. Abram, the childless man became the forebear of generations in many nations apart from Israel. Abram, the defenceless man became the victorious leader against four kings. Abram, the nomad became the owner of much land and cattle and leader of many grown men and families. If we place our complete trust in God, His name, His Son , Jesus our Saviour who connected us with the God of Abraham, we too will be protected, secured, victorious. We, too will be rewarded with progeny and blessings in abundance.
In a manner of speaking, instead of marrow, our bones should be filled with faith in the promises of God. This becomes the source of our divine DNA that neutralizes the curse of God on all flesh- hamartia or tragic shortcoming, fatal flaws, the Achilles heel. Our lives will be full of testimonies like Abraham of the working of the Unseen God in our lives. He is unseen but not unknown. He is silent but His word comes to us. As we cling to Him, He will not fling us away. His name is always upon our tongues and so becomes a spiritual formidable weapon or sword. The tongue that is the source of life and death becomes for us the source of eternal and abundant life as we confess our faith in God and His specific word, as we proclaim His authority on earth, in our lives, as we claim His precious promises. As we yield to Him, He is our shield. As we obey Him, He rewards us greatly.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
The Hidden Weapon
UV 3762/10000 The Hidden Weapon
He has made My mouth like a sharp sword, in the shadow of His hand He has kept Me hidden; and He has made Me a sharpened arrow, in His quiver He has hidden Me.
Isaiah 49 v 2
The uni-verse is about the promised Messiah, Jesus. Yet it is true of each follower of Jesus, too. He has seen and called us from the womb. He has named us while we were yet in the womb of our mothers. He has made our mouth like a sword by filling it with His word, sharp, precise, effective, double edged- effective in the world and in the spirit realm, cutting and sculpting both mind and spirit in accordance with the image of the perfect Man-God, Jesus. The shadow of the right hand of the Almighty is always on us. Like the Bluetooth and the wifi has a range beyond which we cannot connect, we should take care to always stay within the range of God’s searching love. True, His hand is not too short to reach us and draw us back even when we stray beyond.
We are to remain hidden in God and His presence. We are like a hidden or secret and strategic weapon of the Lord. The trajectory of our careers, lives, families are guided and led by the Lord. We need not quiver with fear as we are hidden in His quiver. There are other sharp arrows or weapons along with us. We are never alone. We have a large cloud of witnesses of faith always ahead and above us. The Lord’s eye and skillful and powerful hand guide us to the bull’s eye of our life’s purpose. Nothing we do is in vain or futile unlike the philosopher’s despair in the book of Ecclesiastes.
The Lord will reveal His glory in, through and to us. We have to submit ourselves like an inert object, a sword or an arrow to the hand of the Lord. It does not imply that we do nothing with our time, talent, resources, intellect but that we acknowledge the sovereignty and power and love of the Lord and depend on Him. We should not rebel and jump out of the quiver. We should submit our mouths to Him to be His messengers. We should not resist His hand covering us, rather, we should yield to Him. Unlike Jacob who wrestled with God, we are blessed not in struggling with or against God- a futile exercise but we are blessed in yielding all of our being, our goals, our thoughts, our emotions, our expressions, our efforts to Him.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The Dream Stream of Human Consciousness
UV 3671/10000 The Dream Stream of Human Consciousness
The singers and players of flutes will say, “ All my springs and sources of joy are in you ( Jerusalem, city of God)”
Psalm 87 v 7
A believer of Jesus is like a stream, a spring that flows from God. A spring never ceases to flow. Our lives are ever flowing with joy, praise, thanksgiving, peace. These are the rivers of life-giving water that the Holy Spirit causes to rise from our hearts. The natural water of a river gives life-sustaining water but it cannot give life while the rivers of the Spirit can give life, eternal and abundant life. We find all our sources of power, strength, joy in the Lord and His kingdom. Nothing is excluded from His view or His purview.
The water of the spring of eternal life, Jesus and His words are what never makes us thirst again. It satisfies our innermost longing for the union with the source of life-God. We like a river begin in Him, the Rock of ages and we also empty ourselves into Him. All that we speak, think, do is meant to glorify God, to lift the name of Jesus higher and higher. We find our pleasures forevermore at His right hand, or in living in Him, in intimacy with Him. When God is. Closer to us than our own skin, sin or hamartia, tragic shortcomings that we can do little about but cause maximum pain and suffering in our lives are kept at bay. This is the source of eternal and internal peace in our deepest being- our souls.
The word is the water in the spiritual realm that quenches our thirst or meets human needs, temporal and eternal, that cleanses or purifies our character, words and deeds, that heals, strengthens, supplies energy or essential salt. The Lord waters us continually with such water. We are nourished by the nutrients dissolved in this water of life. It is the source of satisfaction, the source of refreshment, renewal, abundance, grace, mercy and joy. We have no need of any source of water apart from Him. The quality is high and the quantity is copious to meet all of our need- spiritual, emotional, relational, power, meaning, significance, intellectual, social, personal discipline, wisdom and so on. We only need to drink of it and think of it from time to time, as frequently as we can so that we can run for God and not grow tired, so that we can rise on the wings of word and prayer like an eagle.
Perfect Love
UV 3759/10000 Perfect Love
THERE is NO fear in love (dread does not exist). But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves (the expectation of divine) punishment, so the one who is afraid ( of God’s judgement) is not perfected in love ( has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love.
I John 4 v 18
Love completes us while fear divides our minds and spirits. Love itself can be incomplete, immature, not perfected. Full grown, mature or “ perfect love” is described by St Paul in the epistle to the Coirinthians. Jesus and the gift of Jesus by God, our Father in heaven to mankind is synonymous with perfect love. Jesus drives out fear from our hearts, the fear of punishment by God, the Father. We who trust in Jesus do not fear the judgement of God for we have passed from eternal death or separation to eternal life or union with God in Christ. The agape love of God is perfect love with all the attitudes and attributes of Jesus, the ones described by St Paul. We are saved in Kairos time or eternal time measured by the clock of God.
Having been saved from judgement for sin and eternal death, we now have a responsibility and duty to work for our perfection in love. We need to grow to the very stature of Christ in terms of His love. Every thought, action, word, nerve is to be directed in that direction of growing in the agape, selfless love of Christ in real time. We are to grow in chronos time or as measured by the clock of man. Every day we need to reflect the love of God to everyone we are brought in contact with. No fear should be able to enter our hearts or minds as we understand and experience the love of God in real time.
We need to express God’s love as phile or as love of our fellow humans. People are the image of God that we can see. If we cannot love the image of God that we can see, how can we love God whom we cannot see. If we hate a fellow believer, we are lying about our love. Jesus as He personified perfect love asked us to even love our enemies. If we abide in love, we abide in God for God is love.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Perfect Love
UV 3759/10000 Perfect Love
THERE is NO fear in love (dread does not exist). But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves (the expectation of divine) punishment, so the one who is afraid ( of God’s judgement) is not perfected in love ( has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love.
I John 4 v 18
Love completes us while fear divides our minds and spirits. Love itself can be incomplete, immature, not perfected. Full grown, mature or “ perfect love” is described by St Paul in the epistle to the Coirinthians. Jesus and the gift of Jesus by God, our Father in heaven to mankind is synonymous with perfect love. Jesus drives out fear from our hearts, the fear of punishment by God, the Father. We who trust in Jesus do not fear the judgement of God for we have passed from eternal death or separation to eternal life or union with God in Christ. The agape love of God is perfect love with all the attitudes and attributes of Jesus, the ones described by St Paul. We are saved in Kairos time or eternal time measured by the clock of God.
Having been saved from judgement for sin and eternal death, we now have a responsibility and duty to work for our perfection in love. We need to grow to the very stature of Christ in terms of His love. Every thought, action, word, nerve is to be directed in that direction of growing in the agape, selfless love of Christ in real time. We are to grow in chronos time or as measured by the clock of man. Every day we need to reflect the love of God to everyone we are brought in contact with. No fear should be able to enter our hearts or minds as we understand and experience the love of God in real time.
We need to express God’s love as phile or as love of our fellow humans. People are the image of God that we can see. If we cannot love the image of God that we can see, how can we love God whom we cannot see. If we hate a fellow believer, we are lying about our love. Jesus as He personified perfect love asked us to even love our enemies. If we abide in love, we abide in God for God is love.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
The Eye in the Sky
3758/10000 The Eye in the Sky
Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon those who fear Him ( and worship Him with awe-inspired reverence and obedience), on those who hope in His compassion and lovingkindness,
Psalm 33 v 18
If we submit all our applications to the Lord, His eye will always be riveted on us. He will never take His gaze off us. He reveals new grace to us as we plead with the Lord for our need. The enemy wants to knead us like dough but the Lord gently covers us with His palm. As we are grateful to Him, as we are always in awe of the Lord, His word and His ways, He is always focused on us even as a parent is focused on a special child, trying to protect the child, meeting her needs. We are in awe of His power, justice, knowledge, wisdom but we have hope in His love, mercy and grace. Even a keyhole of hope in the Lord and His word leads to a full door of opportunity and many wonders being manifested in our lives.
Our hope or our confidence is not in wealth, our abilities, our connections, or human power but it is in the Lord. Paul describes God as the God of hope, the God of peace and the only wise God. These three dimensions of the nature of God are what makes Him awesome. As we depend on Him, He not only defends us but our hopes are fulfilled so that our joy is overflowing for a desire fulfilled is sweet and nourishing to the soul. He gives us deep inner peace as we wait for the fulfilment of the hope. He gives us wisdom regarding what we need to do as we wait on Him.
Hence, we should not wait with wringing of fingers in anxiety or frustration but continually worship the Lord like Simeon who waited for his hope to see the face of the Messiah of Israel. Our humble and obedient submission to the expressed will of God is needed to please Him. In the lexicon of God, faith is equated with obedience. Though God’s grace cannot be earned or deserved by definition, our attitudes certainly brings us the reward of gaining the attention of God. The eye of the Lord is described in scripture as being “seven eyes of the Lord” implying that His eye is upon on every aspect of our lives-physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social, monetary and relational.
Friday, March 5, 2021
Shade and Shelter
UV 3757/10000 Shade and Shelter
And there will be a pavilion for shade from the heat by day, and a refuge and a shelter from the storm and the rain.
Isaiah 4 v 6
The Shekinah glory of the Lord is the canopy of believers, the sure defence, the covering of love and protection over our lives. He nullifies the plots of the enemy and negates his weapons against us. The Lord is one refuge who will never refuse us. He is the strong pavilion that provides us shade from the heat by day and the shelter from the storms of life and the rain of troubles. The protection of the Lord is dynamic and flexible. It acts according to the situation, whether light or darkness, whether day or night, whether we are aware of the threats and dangers or unaware. It can manifest itself in unpredictable and unexpected ways on any given day or at any time of our lives.
The Lord is our Tabernacle of peace, assurance, security, comfort. We have joy as long as we live and move and exist in Him. Nothing in no way can touch or harm us as long as we hide in Him. We are like a sharp arrow hidden in a quiver. The target of that arrow is the purpose the Lord has spoken over us. The palm of His hand covers us as we go about fulfilling that purpose in His time. His mere shadow, a metaphor for His presence, is more substantial and affords impregnable security to us than the armour and weapons of warfare of this world. Our faith in specific portions of His word that promises protection is our shield. Our faith in specific portions of His word that promises victory is our spiritual sword. We do not rely on physical security measures like swords, guns, vehicles, shields, armour, horses, walls and so on. We might erect or use some of these but our primary confidence and security is in the Lord.
When we pray with the specific portions in scripture of defence or attack, we are releasing the arrows, wielding the sword of the spirit, holding aloft the shield of faith. The Lord seeing our trust in Him and His word will rush to our side, to our help. The battle or struggles of life no longer belong to us but to Him. It becomes His responsibility to protect us as the apple of His eye, to wrest victory for us. Like no man could stand or withstand Moses or Joshua, no one can resist us or attack us. He will rout them and send them fleeing not on the route they came but in seven directions.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
The Gift of Discernment
UV 3756/10000 The Gift of Discernment
Beloved, do not believe every spirit ( speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet); instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets and teachers have gone into the world.
I John 4 v 1
We need to have the spirit of discernment to recognize who is sent by God and who is not of God. The touchstone is whether the spirit of the person acknowledges that Jesus came to the Earth both fully human and fully God. A spirit of a person that denies either that Jesus was fully human and that He is fully God belongs to the antichrist. We need to recognize the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit and His still, quiet voice speaking to us behind our ear, “Go this way, or that way”. The Holy Spirit is the One who is in us who is greater than the one in the world- the enemy of our souls.
We need to discern when people teach or speak twisted truths and doctrines that are not of God. The spirit of truth is of God while the spirit of error is of satan. The people who know God personally will listen to us while those who do not and have no such desire will not heed what we say. We need to discern the needs of the people we are teaching and serve them with the apt portion of scripture to meet that need. We also need to discern the subtle ways of the enemy to deceive or delude us and ensnare us.
Discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit. If we earnestly desire it and seek it wholeheartedly, asking the Lord in faith, He will give us the spirit of discernment. Discernment is an important aspect of wisdom and the word promises that if we ask the Lord,the only wise God, He will generously give us of His wisdom. With the spirit of discernment, we will be able to understand the attitudes and inner thoughts of the people we are dealing with in our everyday life, avoid threats and dangers, pitfalls the enemy has dug on our paths to make us fall. Discernment will enable us to speak the apt word for the apt occasion.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Encouragement -The Source of Strength
UV 3755/10000 Encouragement-the Source of Strength
But continually encourage one another every day, as long as it is called “Today” ( and there is an opportunity), so that none of you will be hardened (into settled rebellion) by the deceitfulness of sin (its cleverness, delusive glamour, and sophistication).
Hebrews 3 v 13
Life, it is said, is only about three things- encouragement, encouragement and encouragement. Every day is an opportunity to encourage someone with the inspired word of God, with a kind word, with appreciation, with sound advice and timely help. Every believer is part of the Barnabas ministry of encouragement. We need to be hope-givers to the hapless and helpless as well as to our family and colleagues. We should not allow people to harden their hearts with hopelessness, with the deceit of sinfulness of this world. Sin is subtle, seductive and secretive. It hides behind a façade of external glamour or attraction. It draws the senses to it like a magnet. Our spiritual dynamos must always be active to neutralize the draw of the sin magnet.
By our life, testimony, words and actions, we should make the word of God, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the kingdom of God - attractive for the people in our circles of influence. We should encourage people to enter into a personal relationship with God, the Father through God, the Son Jesus who made it possible and God, the Holy Spirit who makes it practical, personal and real. We are the adverstisers and ambassadors of Christ and should not shirk our responsibility to encourage others in their journey and their walk with God. The word “encouragement” means to give courage to people. It implies that people who are weak, discouraged, hopeless, disappointed, fearful, unaware of the goodness of God are to be encouraged to avail of His grace. Encouragement is the oxygen of life. It empowers, equips, enables people to fulfill the purpose God has set for their lives.
The enemy being a thief, robber and killer wants to discourage people from believing or following God in Christ. In order to be an encourager, we need to build our spiritual strength and courage. From our storehouse of faith, courage and hope, we should share to to others. It implies that we need to replenish our own hope and strength in Christ. We need to store more of His word in our hearts so that we are ready with the apt word of encouragement. We are to ourselves avoid the snare of the enemy and share the love of God with others He brings into our lives.
Source of Security and Confidence
UV 3754/10000 Source of Our Security and Confidence
Let your character ( your moral essence, your inner nature) be free from the love of money (shun greed- be financially ethical), being content with what you have; for He has said, “ I WILL NEVER ( under any circumstances) DESERT YOU (nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless), nor WILL I FORSAKE or LET YOU DOWN or RELAX MY HOLD ON YOU.
Hebrews 13 v 5
The Lord will provide for His faithful like He provided for Elijah through bread brought by a raven. The raven symbolizes the worldly, the greedy and the Lord can cause the greedy and worldly to give us bread to meet our need. We ourselves should not have a ravenous appetite but be contented with what the Lord provides, unaffected by love of money which the word declares as the root of all evil. The Lord promises in this uni-verse as in numerous other parts of scripture to provide for us, never to desert or forsake or give up on us. He will never let us down or let go of His hand on us.
The promise of God to be with us, to provide for us, NEVER to DESERT or FORSAKE US is the root of our contentment. It is the permanent source of our security. We are freed from the fear of want, fear of death, fear of penalty of sin, free from the threats of powerful and formidable enemies. Like the widow’s oil in the time of Elijah, our oil or anointing will never run out. We have the certainty, the assurance, the guarantee of total protection and holistic provision of the Lord. He never withholds any good thing from us. We can depend on Him as our source of strength, provision, promotion, protection, guidance, deliverance. He has a firm hold on our wrist so that we can rest in confidence in Him.
Therefore, we need to cleave to God and never leave His presence willfully or unconsciously. We need to cling to Him for dear life. We need to be desperate for God and He will never let us be frustrated or defeated by the enemy. He turns our “hamartia’ or shortcoming in all aspects of life into abundance. He vindicates us and defends us. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, Adviser, Guide. Jesus is both Advocate and High Priest for us at the right hand of the Father. He works out all things for our good.
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