Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Morning Star

UV 3686/10000 The Morning Star So we have the prophetic word made more certain. You do well to pay (close) attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and light breaks through the gloom and the morning star arises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1 v 19 This morning I rose early and is my habit, cycled to the nearby beach. The sea and sky was a dull grey as the sun rose behind a thick cloud. But a few moments later, the sun rose with all its effulgence and completely lit up the sky and the sea, tinging all with the hue of its golden silhouette. The thought struck me that life for mankind would be dull, grey or dark without the effulgence of God in our lives. The day dawns for us the moment we recognize that Jesus is the Morning Star of our lives who cannot be compared even with the sun, the morning star of the earth. As Peter wrote, He “rises in our hearts.” Once Jesus rises in our hearts, He never sets in the sense He never leaves us or forsakes us. Unfortunately, many believers carry Jesus in their hearts and lives not as the Morning Star but as a “mourning star.” Since He is the Morning Star, we can always rejoice despite circumstances. He guides us with His word as with a lamp, with the Holy Spirit as with a flashing torchlight. Though an early Greek astronomer Anagoras (c 450 BC) recognized the sun as a star that shines to create our day on earth, it took Kepler and Copernicus in the seventeenth century AD to establish the fact. Yet, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Peter refers to Jesus as the Morning Star in the first century AD. It is due to the relationship we have with God through Jesus, that we experience the dew of His compassion, the effulgence of His grace shining in and through our lives like the noon day sun. When our hearts continually bask in the light of Jesus like sun bathers from cold countries when they visit tropical beaches, our lives are lit up. We reflect the radiance of the Shekinah glory of God in our lives. It is found that the gamma rays emerging from the Sun’s reactive core travels for a million years within the sun before it leaves the corona, the outer surface of the sun, reaching the earth in a few minutes. The holiness and power of God is so great but Jesus makes it possible for us to approach His throne of mercy, His throne of grace. The reproach of our sins having fallen on Him, the face of the Almighty God shines on us with warmth, enough to light up our lives, to energise us but not enough to scorch or burn us. In our times of need, Jesus rushes to us, to our side to comfort, to protect, to nurture, to encourage, to provide, to guide, to lead, to deliver. The sun in many cultures is worshipped in the morning as it is viewed as the source and sustainer of all life on earth but is in actual fact, inanimate, impersonal though impartial as it shines on all as the Bible says, on the righteous and the wicked, making no distinction in our deeds or our motives. But our Morning Star, Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness is worshipped at all times as His love fills our hearts to the brim and overflows in words and deeds of goodness of which He Himself is the Author.

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