Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Magnifying Lens

UV 700/10,000 The Magnifying Lens He said to me, “ You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendour.” Isaiah 49 v 3 We are the servants of the Most High, the God who is perfect, who perfects His servants. Each of us is His masterpiece, created and being shaped for the fulfillment of His purpose. We are created to show forth His praise and to declare His glory. People will see our lives and wonder about what makes us click. They will be amazed. They will realize that we have some secret that they do not know about. They will be curious to know. We need to live our lives in such a way that we arouse the curiousity of the people among whom we live and work. God does not make a secret of His splendour. He has revealed it first in all of creation. He has revealed it also in the power and potential of man to design, innovate and invent. But, He revels most in the splendour of His believing children as parents dote on the gifts, character traits and achievements of their children. We are a magnifying lens to magnify the light that the Lord sends into our lives and to focus that light with such intensity that those who come in contact with us also catch the fire. If Jesus is the Root of the Kingdom of God, we are the Branch. The root does not bear the fruit. The branches bear the fruits. We reveal the greatness of God in the variety of fruits of character, of spirit, of mind, of mouth, of efforts and of our hands and body that we bear in the course of our lives. The fruits of the spirit and of character are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. The fruits of our minds are wisdom, knowledge, insight and understanding. The fruits of our mouths are our words. The fruits of our efforts are our achievements and accomplishments in a variety of spheres or fields. The fruits of our hands are our work or our professions. The fruits of our bodies are our children or offspring`that we dedicate back to God. Prateep V Philip

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