Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Tabernacle Re-built

UV 709/ 10,000 The Tabernacle Re-built “And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “ Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them.” Revelation 21 v 3 Though we are like clay pots before God, He is building His temple, His tabernacle inside us, His dwelling place. The disciples had deserted and fled from Jesus before the crucifixion but the Resurrected Christ breathed upon them and the Holy Spirit came to dwell inside them. They were transformed from being mere disciples or learners into apostles and teachers. They were filled with the power of conviction and an unshakable faith in Christ and His mission to save the world through His life, teachings, death and resurrection. Now they were ready to even face death in obeying the call of Christ. The very word, “ profession” hides an inner truth. We profess faith that God will use us to fulfil His pleasing will even as we do our best with what we already know. We have now access to the power of God –the Holy Spirit teaches us all that we need to know. We also have access to the grace of God-the Resurrection power of God that will bring to life our dead parts, our dead dreams, our dead relationships. These are the parts of the clay pot that needs to be broken for the tabernacle to be built and revealed. Three factors stand out from this image of the tabernacle that is enshrined in us: the will of God, the power of God and the grace of God operates from within us. One of the names or titles of Jesus- Immanuel or “ God in and with us” – is fulfilled in this uni-verse. This in itself is a great spiritual revolution from the traditional law-based faith of the Jews who regarded God Jehovah so awesome that even His Name could be only mentioned under one's breath as Yahweh. Now, He continues to be awesome but He is awesome-intimate. He is now closer to each of us who believe than even our own skins, than even our own minds, psyche and spirits. The physical temple or church is just a symbol for our bodies as the tabernacle of God: the sanctum sanctorum where the altar of communion is kept is like our heads, the entrance and exit points are our mouth and ears, the main hall and flanks are like the chest and limbs. Our bodies are His living temple. This is the reason Jesus said, “ I can destroy the temple and re-build it in three days.” He was referring to His crucifixion and resurrection. When the body of Christ was destroyed and re-built as the church, the temple of God, all barriers of time and space, of holiness and the infinite, of sin and wickedness were broken down in one go. The Jews are waiting to re-build the physical temple but Jesus is saying, " it is already re-built in my Church, your bodies." Recently, the Lord affirmed, “ Your body is like a clay pot but my fire is always burning inside you.” The Word is the fuel that burns inside our minds and hearts. When the resurrected Christ taught the two disciples on the way to Emmaus that these things, meaning the events of the previous week were prophesied to happen as it did, His words burnt into their minds and lit up their grieving hearts with faith and hope. As a spontaneous response, they worshipped God even as they recognized the risen Christ. The prophecy is fulfilled: “No longer do men have to be taught as My law will be written in their hearts and minds.” All animal and blood sacrifice was abolished with the death and resurrection of Christ, the blemishless Lamb. We are now to offer from deep inside our bodies, the very tabernacle of God, a continual sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. Three W’s come together as one in our lives: Word, Work and Worship. Prateep V Philip Listen to this Blessong:

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