Wednesday, December 16, 2015


UV 1615/10000 Commitment
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.
Proverbs 16 v 3
Scripture exhorts us to do whatever we do with all our heart as we are doing it for the Lord. Since our every breath is dedicated to the Lord, our every effort is blessed. We need to commit our intentions, our methods, our daily schedules, our monthly targets and annual goals, whether professional or personal to the Lord. To commit implies to entrust to the Lord, to believe that the Lord will guide and bless every step we take towards even a distant goal, that He knows best and He would establish our intentions. It is my testimony that whatever and whenever I committed my goals and plans to the Lord, He established it or fulfilled it far beyond my expectations or ability. We got to do what we need to do diligently in the natural and at the supernatural level, the Lord will act.
Jesus in His last words on the cross said, “Father , I commit my spirit into Your hands.” It implied that Jesus trusted the Father to bring Him back from Hades or the land of the dead, to be resurrected and then to be enthroned with Him on high. When we commit our works, the Lord will likewise see us to the end and beyond. He will use the same power that resurrected Jesus to see us through to completion or finishing point. We should have the faith that: one, God never fails for He can never fail. Whatever be the circumstance, adverse or favourable He can use it to our advantage. Two, He never fails us who are faithful and commit all things into His hands. The plural “works” is used to indicate that every aspect of our work, life and ministry need to be entrusted to the Lord.
But our attitude needs to be humble, not using God to fulfil our limited goals but to be His humble and faithful servants in this world. Ironically, while we are task-oriented, the Lord is people-oriented: the person praying is far more important than what He is praying for. His complete knowledge of us and our real need as against our own perceived need might take us on a course or line of events different from our expectations. The Lord is sensitive to just our thoughts even before we start praying about any particular concern of ours. He stirs our spirit and gives us grace or power from within to enable us to attempt and do it.
Prateep V Philip

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