Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Being Anchored in the Lord

UV 2225/10000 Being Anchored in the Lord
I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Psalm 16 v 8

The Lord is the locus or the central point of our lives . If we focus on this locus, everything will be in proper perspective. We will neither be too enthralled when things are going good for us or too depressed when the going is tough. The manger leader or manager is a combination or blend of stability and dynamism. He is not easily moved to extremes of emotion. If we are to focus on the Lord, He should always be before us as our leader, guide, coach, teacher, lodestar, pacesetter. We do not have a set mind or a mind that is not willing to learn and change. At any stage of our lives, we should be willing to give up something formerly important to us and willing to take up something we thought we would never do. Peter was asked to give up his fixed views on people of other races and religious backgrounds, on Jewish rituals and practices like circumcision. While we are willing to learn and change, we should not be like waves tossed to and fro by the wind. We should not be easily deceived by new and man-made doctrines and teachings.

The Lord is not only before us as our Leader. He is beside us as our closest Friend, our greatest Helper, our constant Companion, our Ebenezer. The proximity of the Lord, the faith that He is only a prayer away, will give us a sense of absolute confidence and security. Our joy and hope of salvation should not be shaken by change of circumstances or even our own action or inaction. In times of storms, we should lie still and anchored in the Lord as boats lie anchored in the sea. In normal times or fair weather, we should move freely in the Lord as boats scurry about in the sea.
The Lord is not only ahead of us and beside us, He is with us as Immanuel in all that we think, speak and do. He enables us to turn our thoughts into words, our intentions into actions, our plans into progress. We have a God-controlled, directed, governed mind set. We try not to conform our thoughts ,words, actions and reactions to the patterns or moulds of this world but to the patterns of the Word of God. While our spirits are being transformed or changed from one degree of glory or greatness to the next, our minds are still, in equilibrium, stayed or focussed like an anchor points to the bottom of the sea and holds a mighty ship in place. Mountains of challenges and difficulties might be before us but fountains of joy, springs of peace will rise up within us.

Prateep V Philip

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