Friday, October 13, 2017

The Pattern of Gestation

UV 2800/10000 The Pattern of Gestation
Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son
Genesis 18 v 14

The word of the Lord is as good as Him. He promised Abraham and Sarah when they were long past the age of child bearing that they would have an heir- a son. Abraham and Sarah laughed disbelievingly at the very thought of them having a child in their old age. Yet, within a year, Sarah bore a son. When nothing seems to be happening in response to our prayers, the Lord is at work behind the scenes, preparing us for the miracle. During that year, the Lord revived Sarah’s body and Abraham’s so that they could indeed bear a child. The silence that follows our prayers till they are fructified or answered in real time and space is a spiritual gestation period like Sarah’s pregnancy. We are to get pregnant with hope and belief in the promises of the Lord that concerns every aspect of our lives: our health, our children, our finances, our past, present, future and eternity.

The basis of our belief in a promise is the word of the Lord. Once we receive a promise from the Lord, we should wholeheartedly believe it. The more things we move from the impossible list of our lives to the possible list, the greater is our faith and the greater our appropriation and enjoyment of the blessings of the Lord. Abraham’s and Sarah’s rational minds and experience that far caused them to laugh at the idea of their bearing a child but the Lord proved within a year that the impossible is possible. They were not asked or expected to suspend their reason or logical minds but were asked to wait and see the evidence of God’s faithfulness to His servants, His children, His faithful creatures. There is an appointed hour or time for the fulfilment of the promises or the word of the Lord. We need to wait for the appointed hour with hope, expectation, praise, thanksgiving and patience.
Many generations after Abraham and Sarah, when the Israelites who were being led by Moses back to the Promised Land complained that they did not have meat to eat, the Lord again asked Moses, who also disbelieved that meat could be procured for so many in the wilderness, “ Is the hand of the Lord too short that I cannot do what I have promised?” We live in a world of limitations but the Lord is not limited in either wisdom or might. He is the God of the Possible. He can will and do that which is seemingly impossible in human eyes. It is in seasons and situations of limitations that the Lord proves to disbelieving humans the extent of His compassion, His understanding, His wisdom, His power, His greatness.
Prateep V Philip

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