Thursday, March 7, 2019

Truthful and Spiritual Worship

UV 3194/10000 Truthful and Spiritual Worship
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
John 4 v 23
This uni-verse distinguishes between true worship and false worship. Our Father in heaven seeks true worshippers in whom the fire of the spirit of worship, the sacrifice of praise and the joy of thanksgiving is always lit in their hearts. The Holy Spirit lights and keeps this fire fuelled and burning. Jesus by His own redeeming sacrifice made it possible for both Jew and non –Jew to know the Father personally, to know His heart, to receive the Spirit of God into their hearts and lives. Till then worship happened only in temples built with human hands but now worship happens in hearts shaped by God. It is not religious worship or ritual but spiritual worship. The honest worshipper knows in his heart that he is not even worthy to offer worship to the Father but he has been declared worthy by Jesus to experience the love, power, grace and majesty of the Lord.
The freedom to worship God in our spirits opens our lives to immense blessings. We no longer rely on a priest to lead and worship on our behalf but we ourselves are priests or Levites before the Father. The extensive grand clothing and vestments and ornaments that the Levitic priest was adorned with are a metaphor for the amazing blessings and grace that true worshippers are adorned with. As we worship and offer the fruit of our lips, our words are anointed to bless others and the world at large. Our hearts are the sanctum sanctorum of the living tabernacles our bodies and minds are called to be under the new covenant. Worship is not confined to a particular time or space, modes or postures, but includes all aspects of our lives. To worship God as Eternal Father means loving all others as brothers and sisters. Hence, worship has not only a vertical dimension but a horizontal dimension covering our relationship with our fellow beings.

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