Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Three Qualities - Multiple Victories

UV 3328/10000 Three Qualities- Multiple Victories

For God did not give us a SPIRIT OF FEAR but of POWER and LOVE and SELF CONTROL

2 Timothy 1 v 7

Power, love and self discipline are the three prerequisites for both the accomplishment of human goals as well as the establishment of wholesome relationships. These are necessary for wholesome, holistic success as well as significance. The Lord enables us to blend the power of love with the power of self discipline and end the rein of sin or shortcoming or the shadow of “hamartia”. Power flows to us from the Father, Almighty God , love flows to us from Jesus and self control from the Holy Spirit. Three qualities of the Tri-une God becomes part and parcel of our lives. When the Lord reigns in our lives, we experience the joy of the “reignbow” behind the throne of God as described in the book of Revelation. We experience ROYGBIV or the full range of the colours of life, of emotions, of thoughts, of actions and reactions, of relationships with both internal victory, eternal victory and external victory. We reign by means of the salvation of Jesus, the King of Kings as a king over our own selves. We exercise self discipline- something most kings and leaders of this world historically never succeeded in exercising.

When Adam and Eve sinned or fell short of the glory or greatness of God in which they were created, the spirit of fear entered them and they hid from the sight of God. It is this spirit of fear that haunts man through the generations since then, manifesting as fear of success, fear of failure, fear of death, fear of rejection, fear of dangers, fear of enemies, fear of ill health and afflictions, fear of scarcity, fear of curses, fear of the powerful, fear of punishment and so on. Cain was affected by the fear of not being accepted by God. He sought to take control of his life by taking the life of his brother. Jesus regained acceptance by God for us and thereby, all fears dissipated, the spirit of fear was exorcised from our inner being. We are no longer fearful of life, of death, of failure, of curses, of judgement or punishment. We are set free from fear to love. Jesus showed us that we gain self control by allowing God, the Holy Spirit to reign and rule in our lives which become part of the kingdom of God. He taught us love of our brother so that we become his keeper, his weeper, his supporter. We do not attempt to rule over others by fear but by love. We do not allow either anger nor envy to have a place in our hearts.

Once the power of love has come upon us, we have the ability to make the right choices consistently. Even if we were to err, we would be able to correct ourselves and put ourselves again on the path of love of God and fellow beings. Since we have an undivided heart and mind, we are able to pursue with dedication, devotion, discipline, determination and diligence the goals we set for ourselves in line with the overall vision the Lord has given us. We can also tap into the power of the name of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of the Word of God, the power of prayer, the power invested in fellow believers to overcome our own inner weaknesses of human nature.

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