Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Victory in Struggles of Life

UV 3323/10000 Victory in Struggles
For You have rescued my life from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling and falling.

Psalm 116 v 8

This single uni-verse contains triple blessings of the Tri-une God. God the Father rescues us from death, Jesus, the Man of Sorrow as He was called for embracing all of our woes and sorrows, wipes every tear from our eyes and keeps us from further sorrow, the Holy Spirit counsels and comforts us so that we do not despair, lose hope or fall when we fail or face adversities of life. Jesus also rescues every human from inexorable death by His promise of resurrection by faith in Him. When we cease to struggle against the Lord, cease to disregard His word and His will, the Lord ends our struggles of life. When we find peace with God through Jesus, the Lord commits to defend us. He rescues our lives from death. I have experienced such grace several times in my life so far in near death and dangerous situations and this promise is literally true. It is a statement of fact as well as a promise at the same time. The enemy lays a snare to trap us in a variety of ways but the Lord rescues us every time.

He not only rescues us from premature death but He also keeps our eyes from tears. He turns our sorrows into joy, our curses into blessings, our defeat into victory, our failures into success, our weaknesses into strengths. It is impossible for man to have a holistic view of leadership, life, management without factoring in the G Factor or God Factor. The G Factor is what integrates the disparate elements or the parts of our life’s struggles and experiences into a meaningful pattern with purpose and power.

It is His grace that keeps our feet from stumbling and falling. For He upholds, sustains us, guides us with His wise counsel. He delivers us from the consequences of our blunders and mistakes. He does not allow guilt to haunt or weaken us. His word is our rudder to give us perfect balance and His Holy Spirit is our radar. Our attitudes of heart and mind are the sails that catch the wind of the Holy Spirit and keeps us moving regardless of how troubled or placid the water is.

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