Monday, May 25, 2020

Bearing Fruit Is Not Optional


UV 3532/10000 Bearing Fruit IS Not Optional


And if it bears fruit after this, fine; but if not, cut it down.


Luke 13 v 9


                    Bearing fruit for a fruit tree is not optional.  The fruit tree by definition must bear fruit.  Likewise, we who believe in Christ are fruit trees.  Bearing a  variety of fruit for the glory or satisfaction of the Lord is mandatory, not optional.  There are two kinds of fruit- internal and external fruit.  Internal fruit are our attitudes and qualities like love, joy, peace, patience..  The external fruit are our good deeds done out of trust and faith in God.  If we do not multiply both these types of fruit, we are in danger of being cut down for wood or firewood.  God examines us every day for the fruit we bear.   He is patient like a farmer and waits for three years and orders our cutting in the fourth.



                 Being loving, joyful, hopeful, patient and kind are not options but it is inherently expected of us as believers and followers of Christ.  When a tree does not produce enough fruit, the farmer checks if there is enough manure or fertilizer in the soil around the tree.  Likewise, we need to examine ourselves to check  if there is enough encouragement for us to produce the internal as well as external fruit in our lives.  The Word is itself a good fertilizer for our minds and spirits to conceive good fruit.  The Lord waters us day and night as we meditate on the Word and not give much room for our own mundane thoughts to crowd out the profound thoughts of God.



               The sap or the spiritually anointed power of the Holy Spirit rises in the different branches of our lives to enable us to bear abundant fruit.  The Lord has invested a lot in each of us and hence, we should focus on bearing fruits in abundance for the Lord.  The internal fruit and the external fruit are interconnected and interrelated.  Love should lead us to forgive more. Patience should lead us to listen more.  Gentleness should lead us to offend less.  Kindness should prompt us to give more.  Wisdom should cause us to ponder more.  Discipline should lead us to focus more. Without the internal fruit, our external fruit are tasteless and empty.

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