Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Greatest Act of Service

UV 3533/10000  The Greatest Act of Service

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many ( paying the price to set them free from the penalty of sin)”


Matthew 20 v 28


                      Jesus, though Son of God, preferred to call Himself  Son of Man as He came to serve mankind by being a sacrifice to absolve all who believe in this sacrifice from the penalty of sin or separation and rebellion against God.    Jesus exhorts us who believe in Him to also follow His example in lowering ourselves, humbling ourselves to serve others, to make sacrifices of our time, energy, talent and treasure to meet the needs of others.  The one who serves the most is the greatest is the new credo that Jesus inaugurated while till them the belief that the one who had most servants is the greatest.  


                      The human ego is the greatest barrier to unselfish service.  Jesus is the greatest example and model for us to follow to lay aside all pride, ego, selfishness and serve humanity without any reservation or ulterior motive.  Humanity was in the captivity of the enemy.   Jesus came to rescue us.  The only way it could be done without compromising the standards of holiness of God was to lay down His own life as the sacrifice or penalty. He did not withhold anything from humanity. During His earthly sojourn He served all without distinction by healing them of all types of sicknesses, delivering, forgiving, teaching the precepts of the Kingdom of God.   Arrested on false charges, He did not defend Himself but submitted meekly and without resistance to a cruel sentence of death on the cross.  The absolute was sacrificed once and for all for the absolute sin of all.  The one exception among all of humanity became the perfect sacrifice for the imperfections of mankind.  Nothing more needed to be done to enable us individually to live forever. 


                   We are now called to serve others not to earn the favour of God or to earn our salvation but in order to show our gratitude to Jesus for His greatest act of service and love for mankind.  Our internal qualities and our external acts of service are needed to show others plainly that we are followers of Jesus.  We are to go the extra mile to help others, to comfort others, to pray for others in need even as Jesus left eternity for our sakes.   We are not to ask “What is in it for me?” but “What can I do for others?” ,  “How can I benefit people God has placed in our lives?”, “How can I make myself of more use to more and more people?”







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