Tuesday, April 27, 2021


UV 4120/10000 Christ-Shield From six calamities he will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall you. Job 5 v 19 Human charm and power cannot safeguard us from harm in a disaster. Protection in a calamity of great magnitude can come only from the sovereign and loving God. He provides us in times of famine, He secures us in battle, He saves us from destruction in a pestilence or a pandemic like the current one. We need not fear the curses of our foes and enemies. He guards our children like the mother hen takes its young chicks under its wings. We come under His wings when we resort to fervent prayer and diligent study and application of His word in our daily lives. By recalling the previous disasters, troubles and situations in which He saved us, we examine the truth of this uni-verse. I was saved from a drowning death in the sea. I was saved from the world’s first human bomb assassination. I was saved from accidents even as a child, as a youth, as a young man. I was saved from financial disasters and imprudent decisions. I was saved from calumny and the false accusations of rivals and foes in my profession. When He has saved us from six calamities, will He not save us in the seventh? The Lord secures the pegs of our tents, our homes. He safeguards even our reputation and testimony from maligning and character assassination wantonly by those around us. Nothing can shake our confidence in Him as long as we hide and bask in His presence and power. The spirits of evil take the shape of different anima and animate humans. The Lord protects and preserves from the machinations and plots of humans as well as the spirits that may inhabit them from time to time. As it is written and promised in the same chapter of Job, “ You will come to the grave in full vigour, like sheaves gathered in season.” We who walk in faith in the Redeemer Jesus, the Rescuer, the Ransomer will have an expected end and then we will join our fathers or forefathers in faith as we leave this life.

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