Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Signet Ring of Authority and Power

UV 3696/10000 The Signet Ring of Authority and Power “On that day,” declares the Lord of hosts, “ I will take you, Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, My servant,” declares the Lord, “ and I will make you ( through the Messiah, your descendant) like a signet ring, for I have chosen you ( as the one with whom to renew My covenant to David’s line ), “ declares the Lord of hosts. In the space of one uni-verse, the Lord compares us to both the human, the divine, the royal, the animate and the inanimate. "Son of Shealtiel" is a reference and celebration of our humanity. Zerubbabel is a reference and celebration of our royal descent from King David as well as a reference to our divine descent from Jesus, the Messiah. We are animate or alive as we are referred to as " servant" in our attitudes towards God, inanimate like a signet ring in that we are like a royal ring that seals the expressed will or decrees of the king. Since inanimate, we have no will of our own but do that which the owner of the ring, the Lord wishes us to do. Our faith in Jesus grafts us onto the royal lineage of King David and we, the believers are his descendants. We are servants of God and also, viceroys of Jesus, the King of Kings. God does not choose us as a nation or as a race but individual by individual depending on our faith in Him and His chosen One, Jesus. The Messiah not only saves our souls but gives us His authority over the spiritual realms of the Father. We are the signet ring of the Lord God. What we declare in faith on behalf of the Lord is the decree on earth. All powers of darkness are subject to our authority. As His representatives, the army of angels of the Lord are at our service to deploy, to destroy the strongholds of the enemy that keeps people captive like the Jews in captivity in Babylon. On the day of the Lord’s judgement, we will come into our own. What we say and do will seal the fate of nations, overthrow thrones, displace rulers of this world. The strong verbs – “take you..” ,” make you” are indicative of the will of God that will prevail on earth as in heaven. We are partners and participants and executors of the will of God with all that we undertake in this lifetime. Like David, our spiritual ancestor, our source of power and strength is neither horses nor swords for riders of horses will go down, the Lord will overthrow chariots and those who ride in them like Pharaoh’s chariots in the Red Sea. Our source of power is our faith in the word of the Lord. We wait like David with patience for His word to come to fullness in time. We lead with praise and worship and thanksgiving for the miracles and grace we have experienced hitherto. Like David we will slay our giants not with sword and armour but with the cornerstone of our faith in Jesus, the rock foundation of our lives. The word is our spiritual sword, the Holy Spirit our transport, His promises of deliverance, our shield, His calling, our command. We leave behind us the sins and trophies of our past as unnecessary baggage or even as garbage. We look forward with enthusiasm to the fulfilment of the hope we have in Jesus. Everything, we know, both in heaven and in earth can be shaken but not our faith in Him whose resurrection power is at work in us to do His perfect will.

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