Tuesday, April 13, 2021

True Discernment

UV 3703/10000. True Discernment But the Lord said to Samuel, “ Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. I Samuel 16 v 7 We judge people by their outward appearances and expressions but the Lord alone looks at the heart of a person. He knows us at a very deep level. We cannot hide anything from Him. He is all seeing and all knowing. Jesus being part of the Triune God also exhibited this trait- not to judge by the words heard but by the inner being, the thoughts and even the motives behind each thought. Even Samuel, a prophet anointed from childhood, misjudged who should be the king and thought that Eliab, the eldest son of Jesse is the one anointed. We need to ask for wisdom and discernment regarding the leading of the Holy Spirit in all the critical or key choices we make in life. David, who was not available in the house as he was looking after the sheep in the pasture, was actually the one the Lord has chosen to anoint as future king. The anointing prepares him to minister to the king Saul with the harp. The anointing prepares him to take on the gauntlet of challenging Goliath. Of David, it was said even after he fell into error and sin as king, God testified that he was a man after His own heart. David continually honoured and worshipped the Lord in his heart. His qualities, skills and successes flowed from the anointing he received. We may look unworthy of a high calling by the world, by our friends and even our own colleagues and families but the Lord knows us intimately and gives us intimations about our eternal destiny in Him. We need not be concerned about the opinion of others or their approval or support. At the appointed hour, the Lord will send His servant to anoint us, to enable us to take on any challenge. Everyone found David wanting in leadership and fighting qualities to take on Goliath including his own brothers but David moved ahead without fear or trembling in the confidence of the Lord. The name of the Lord inspired such faith in Him for he knew of the victories the Lord gave the army of Israel over Pharoah’s mighty army, the victories in the desert and the 31 kings the Israeli army defeated to take over the promised land. He did not rest till he wrested victory. But once he rested, he fell into sin showing that even people who are anointed can let their guard down in a moment of weakness or complacency. But his heart was sensitive and he abjured and confessed his sin quickly. He humbled himself before the Lord in genuine repentance. He did not harden his heart like his predecessor Saul. His was a heart that was surrendered to the Lord.

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