Monday, April 5, 2021

Winning and Vindication

UV 3695/10000 Winning and Vindication “Take counsel together (against Judah), but it will come to nothing; Speak the word, but it will not stand, for God is with us ( Immanuel).” Isaiah 8 v 10 Believers need not fear any conspiracy hatched against us as the Lord is with us as a shield, as a mighty fortress, as a great warrior, as a wall of fire. We are not to fear our adversaries but rather, our source of fear and dread is the Lord. He is holy, powerful, wonderful, awesome. Nothing is too difficult or too wonderful. He promises to be a sanctuary, a refuge, a shelter to those who seek Him, who hide under His wings at the approach of any perceived or unknown predator or threat. No weapon forged against us can prosper. The tongue is mentioned in the same promise of protection as the tongue is regarded by the Lord as a weapon of malice, of much evil. Our own tongues will be sharpened so that we can refute whatever evil is spoken against us. Our own weapon is our reliance on the promises of the Lord, our persistent prayer, praise, thanksgiving to the Lord. The Lord will release us from our fears and release into our lives wonders of deliverance that we could not have possibly foreseen. The Lord will nullify the counsel of the wicked and guide us on the steps we need to take. The One who is a rock of security, unshaken and impassable will also be a miry trap and snare to those who are hostile without reason to us. He will cause them to fall, to stumble, to be broken on the very rock that protects us. For ourselves, we should only be careful not to be ensnared by our own thoughts, fears, desires or words. Every word we utter matters and hence, we should not utter any word in vain. Least of all, we should not utter any word that will strengthen the hand of the enemy against us, that weakens our own implicit faith and trust in the Lord. Even when circumstances look bleak, when the odds are against us, the Lord can and does change things around like clouds passing in the sky. For He is One who can work and wrest victory with many or few. What the world perceives as stumbling blocks, the Lord can change it into building blocks of our faith, our lives our contributions, our resources, our arsenal, our network, our net worth, our legacy.

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