Sunday, January 29, 2012

Three categories to be stirred up

UV 308 The Amazing truths of the Universe verse by verse:

The three categories of people whose spirits need to be stirred up

Hag 1:14 And the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and did work in the house of the LORD of hosts, their God,

For the Kingdom of God to be established on earth,the spirit of three categories of people need to be stirred up by the Lord: Zerubbabel the governor of Judah represents the Lord’s faithful who are in positions of political or secular authority and responsibility. Joshua, the son of the high priest represents those who are in positions of authority and influence in the church and the remnant of the people represents the believers from all denominational groups. The Lord will raise up his prophets to encourage and egg them on. When the spirit of all these three categories of people is moved, they will come and do the work of the Lord of hosts. The Lord’s hand will be upon them to prosper them in all they do for the glory of God.

When our spirit is stirred up by the Lord, we experience a new sense of zeal in furthering and expanding the Kingdom of God. Once the Lord revealed that “ I Am is with you.” I had just released the one long song music album called, “ The Great I Am” which is the most elaborate elaboration of the many nuances of God’s revelation to Moses, “ I Am who I Am.” From the early days of my faith, I had memorized many verses about assurance of salvation, victory, forgiveness, guidance and answered prayer. But, here the spirit of the Lord was stirring my spirit with the revelation, “ I Am is with you..” He was revealing that as He is the Self-existent and the Self-sufficient One and Only God, I need not fear any one or anything.

At the risk of breaking the rules of grammar, the concept of “ amness of God” means that His absolute holiness and power can alone provide for absolution, preservation, promotion, provision and protection as we partner God in building His church- His Kingdom. His presence with us is enough not only to stir us up but to enable us to stay the course till we reach the finishing line. Just as the mother eagle stirs or pushes its young ones out of the comfort and constraints of the nest on the cliff once their wings are ready to take flight, the Lord stirs us up once we have grown our wings of prayer and Word. He pushes us out of our growth-restricting comfort zone over the edge of the cliff so that we take the only option that we now have- to fly high!
When our wings are injured or our spirit down, He will catch us by our pinions on His enormous wings of faithfulness and mercy.
Prateep V Philip


  1. People the Lord stirs up- a good and godly word.. Andreas

  2. Very good teaching and revelation knowledge..Alexander Easow

  3. Very prophetic word for this season Anna!! Again and again, it is indeed the team that the Lord is raising that needs to come together across personal differences and revelations for advancing His Kingdom..

    Thanks for sharing
    Brinda Sereno
