Tuesday, January 31, 2012

UNderstand the hand of the Lord

UV 311/10,000 Amazing principles of the Universe revealed verse by verse
Understand the hand of the Lord Isaiah 41 v 20
Isa 41:20 That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the LORD hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it.

In order to develop an attitude of gratitude towards the Lord, we must as a body of believers consider all the things God has accomplished through the ages. We must recognize the pattern of events in our life and see the hand of the Lord in lifting us up at times, in delivering us in times of great peril, in generously providing for us in times of need, in encouraging us in times of discouragement and in guiding us in times of confusion. The Lord allows certain situations and challenges in our lives to strengthen our faith, to purify our faith, to train us in righteousness, to correct us and to restore us.

This rhema verse was given in a time of prayer and we are urged to meditate on it as families. We must acknowledge as David did, “ Who am I and what is my family that You have brought us this far?” This would induce in us an attitude of humility as well as assurance that the Lord will take us the whole distance He intends for us in every area of life.

The five fingers of the Lord’s right hand accomplishes all things in our lives: mercy, grace, power, wisdom and love. The palm of His hand is Shalom or peace, wholeness and well being. When the Lord’s hand is upon us, it implies all these blessings will be found in our lives. The work of creation is not over. His hand continues to create and release specific blessings upon our lives. The Word exhorts us to know and understand the move of the Lord in our lives. We need to be mindful of His helping hand in our daily lives.

Prateep V Philip

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning and Praise the Lord.

    Today's verse and thought is so re-assuring and very touching. Though they appear to be so simple, yet this verse and passage is pregnant with such depth of gratitude that we as believers must have.

    As I read through every line of this passage, I could never stop praising God for this thought that He has given you and that He is using you for His glory and for a blessing to all of us.
    May His name be glorified and may you continue to be a wonderful channel of blessing to all of us.

    We praise and thank God for you, Dear Bro Philip.

    I could not stop myself from sending this mail to you as my heart is truly inditing with praises and rejoicing over this verse and the passage that you have supported with your Spirit led meditations.

    Blessed be His Holy Name.

    Thank you so much, Bro. Philip, for taking the time off to share such passages with us. We bless you in the name of the Lord.

    Have a wonderful and God blessed day.

    Warm Regards

    Samuel G Abraham
    Country Manager - Distribution Services
