UV 1528/10000 Dealing With the Foxes of Negligence and Lethargy
He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
Proverbs 10 v 4
Negligence and lethargy are twin foxes that keep us from achieving our goals. The Lord expects us to be diligent and meticulous. He rewards diligence, faith and patience. It is by diligent study of scripture that we uncover the promises, precepts and commands of God that are the source of blessing. It is by faith and patience that we inherit the blessings of the Lord. Faith is never a full grown plant. It is always a seed. It requires patient nurturing and watering over a period of time to grow and bloom. It requires a fencing as the tender plant of faith grows into a mature tree. Lethargy on the other hand will let the garden of our life be overcome by the weeds of our weaknesses and temptations.
Scripture says that the one who is negligent is brother to the one who destroys. We need to be careful or diligent with our thoughts, words and our plans. Like the ant we need to think ahead about the winter or a period of shortage or famine. Like the ant we need to be self-driven or motivated and not wait to be driven with a whip like a slave. The word “gi-ant” implies that by gradual increments we too can develop gigantic power that we need to combat the challenges of life. Instead of being daunted by the size of the mountain of a problem we face, we should know that we can over time break down that mountain grain by grain of sand. Instead of focusing on the problem and making it look even bigger, we ought to re-focus on the promise of God. It will lead us to a practical solution if not a miraculous resolution.
Only when we do all that we can do with all the power and resources at our command, it is only then that the Lord joins us in our act. Faith is not just doing due diligence or doing what we need to do but going the extra mile. When we diligently use our talents, abilities and opportunities and tap our network, He multiplies our resources and our results. The Lord does not make things easy but He makes it possible- even what seems unlikely, difficult or impossible. But we need to deal with the foxes of unbelief in ourselves, in others, in outcomes and the Lord that manifests as the spirit of sloth, sluggishness, lethargy, negligence or indolence. He has made our sweat glands so that we sweat from a million pores. But He has not made our hearts for bleeding or our minds to become anxious, worried, overwhelmed or depressed. We need to do everything that lies with us and even more. The Lord responds when we show ourselves responsible. It is not just about being busy all the time. It is about doing our best, putting our heart and soul into everything we attempt. It is about being passionate about our work and calling. It is about doing things excellently, creatively and effectively. It is about disciplining ourselves and being determined. When we do everything we do as if we are doing it for the Lord, then the foxes of lethargy and negligence would take to their heels, never attempting to visit us again.
Prateep V Philip
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