Thursday, September 24, 2015

Greatness - A Legitimate Aspiration and Attribute

UV 1539/10000 Greatness – A Legitimate Goal and Natural Attribute

In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.
Haggai 2 v 23

The first words in the uni-verse “In that day..” implies that it happens on a day or time set by God and that it happens in real time or historic time. The Lord God is the Lord of the armies of angels. No nation or ruler however mighty can withstand the power of God. He takes us as He took Zerubbabel, a descendant of David for we too are spiritual descendants of King David. He has called us to be governors of the spiritual realms. He has chosen us. He has anointed us. He has equipped us. He has empowered and enabled us by His grace. He will make us as a signet ring- a symbol of authority of the Lord. The Lord takes us as we are- our natural selves with all our strengths and weaknesses and polishes us over a long period to be a flawless stone that can be used as a seal. We are a precious ring on the finger of the Lord. We are a metaphor of the sovereignty, majesty, regality, dignity and power of God. What the Lord executes in this world requires the stamp of this ring. We are servants of the Most High. It makes us not an easy “push-over” but powerful people who act at the behest and on behalf of the Sovereign Lord.

The Lord has sealed us as His own. The Lord has sealed us with great peace, joy and power. We in turn need to give His seal of approval to the people and actions that please the Lord. The Lord will use us to bring forth the fruit of the spirit in abundance. He will bless the seed that we sow with our prayers, thoughts, words and actions.

A true leader needs by definition to be a servant of God. Or else he or she will be a servant only of self or of the enemy of humanity. Jesus said that all those who came before or after Him on their own authority are thieves and robbers or agents of the enemy. In contrast, we are servants of the Highest. We are called to be great leaders, not ordinary or mediocre leaders. We have to do our utmost to serve the Highest. Greatness is a legitimate goal or aspiration of every one of us. Jesus said, “ The more we serve, the greater we become.” The concept of chosenness needs to be understood. The Lord has chosen us and we have acquiesced willingly in His choice by virtue of our faith. We have chosen to be chosen. Faith affects our intentions, thoughts and habits. We become a warrior in the hand of the Lord. The intentions and thoughts are the shaft of the arrow and the habits or regular actions that we do every day of our lives in the name of the Lord like studying and applying the Word of God is the arrowhead of flint stone. Our prayers are the sling on which we cast the smooth stones of God’s promises into the forehead of the Goliaths or the challenges we face every day.

Prateep V Philip

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