UV 1766/10000 Due Season
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Galatians 6 v 9
Our work for the Lord is never in vain. In due time or season, in the hour appointed by the Lord our efforts will bear fruit, our life’s work will be recognized and rewarded by Him. We should not feel discouraged that nothing seems to be happening, no sign of favour from the Lord. We need to rejoice in the hope of our reward. This may be the season of the early rain or the latter rain, when the seed is growing or when the crop is ripening. Having laboured this far, we should be patient like a farmer and not feel exhausted, let down or disappointed. Worldly people measure their gain in terms of the money they earn per hour or per day of work. But our yardstick is whether the Lord judges us to be faithful and diligent. We have different seasons in our lives: the tilling season where the fields are ploughed and prepared, the sowing season where the seed is sown as the early rain softens the ground for the seed to take root in the soil, the growing season where the shoot and branches are growing, the fruiting season where the fruit begin to grow, the reaping season where the fruit mature, ripen and are ready to pluck. There is also a fallow season when the ground is kept idle so that the soil is renewed in its fertility. Each of us are in one or other of these seasons in our lives. Different types and degree of effort and other inputs are needed in each season. In the sowing season, the focus is primarily on getting the best seed or seedlings to sow. In the reaping season, the focus is on the dividends or rewards of our efforts.
Different crops have differing seasons to ripen and be reaped. Different fruits have varying periods of time to mature and ripen. Likewise, our fruit may be waiting for the apt time or period to be manifest. We should keep doing all the good we can by all the means we can so that we can win some souls for the Lord. We should set our eyes like flint as Jesus did when He moved towards the cross. We should not despair but know for sure that the Lord is with us and is always acting ,intervening, interceding on our behalf.
Like an athlete who increases his pace as he nears the finishing line,we should work with renewed gusto and energy at the tasks at hand. We should have the constant assurance or faith that in due time we shall reap. The Holy Spirit will egg us on like a coach who sees his trainee approach the finishing line of a race that he had prepared for over a long time. The Holy Spirit is an encourager, a comforter, a hope giver, the One who renews our youth and vigour, our energy and courage. Whatever the Lord has called us to do, we should do it with all our heart and not half heartedly. We should go the extra mile or go to extraordinary lengths to fulfil the Lord’s purpose in every area of our lives.
Prateep V Philip
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