UV 1750/10000 To Be Fused and Used
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
2 Corinthians 6 v 18
Love is having a relationship with a person we can see, hear, touch and talk to. Faith is having a relationship with a Person we cannot see, hear, touch. But we can talk with the Father as a man talks to his friend. We can walk with the Lord as a lover walks hand in hand with his beloved. He beckons us to see and hear Him through His Word. The truth that He walks with us implies that He is with us every step of the way every day in every way. He is deep, intense, personal and real. He calls us not just to be His friends but His sons and daughters. We may not try to influence the character and behaviour of friends but we do try to influence, shape, groom, develop the attitudes, character and behaviour of our children. So also the Lord is keen to challenge us to change to match up with His own character and behaviour.
We need to be fused with the Lord before we can be used by Him effectively and extensively. We are rooted, grounded, grouted and grafted in Him. He supplies all that we need as we remain connected to our roots of faith. He promises to lead us by rivers of water in a straight path wherein we will not stumble. He gives us the privilege of being sons and daughters whereby we should exercise godly restraint and responsibility. He gives us the power to be sons and daughters whereby we should exercise godly power and gifts He has given to us. Friends are in a second circle while sons and daughters are in the inner circle. We are in the inner circle of God just as Jesus had three out of twelve disciples who were in His inner circle. As a father protects his children, provides for them, encourages, teaches, trains, blesses, equips, promotes them, the Lord provides, protects and promotes us. As a father delegates responsibilities to his children, so also He delegates powers and responsibilities to us to do on His behalf. But the Father in heaven has done what no earthly father would possibly do- to give up His son for the sake of sinful people.
We are led not by the spirit of bondage to this world and its spirits but we are led by the Spirit of God in our daily walk. We are to be free from all that contaminated us in the past and that could contaminate us in the present: pride, lust, envy, bitterness, untruth, laziness, selfishness and so on. We need to place many filters in our minds and lives to purify and refine us. The Lord also takes us through fire and water experiences to refine and perfect us. He disciplines us as we are His loving children. We are children of adoption and should not forfeit our rights of adoption by our misconduct such that the Lord disown us due to our wilful and unrepentant disobedience. We should be sensitive to the admonition of the Holy Spirit and constantly listen to His witness to our spirit. As children we are co-inheritors or co-heirs with Jesus to all the great and wonderful promises of God that equip us to be victorious in this world. We need to overcome the world and its temptations, endure our trials and suffering and declare that the Father is faithful, loving and truthful. We can indeed marvel at what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called the sons of God.
Prateep V Philip
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