UV 2150/10000 Jesus is the Locus
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3 v 17
Jesus is the locus while the enemy of our souls is the locust. God sent Jesus, His only Son begotten of a woman for the salvation of all mankind. Those who believe and receive Jesus into their hearts and lives are people who walk in the light. They are the ones who hate violence, wickedness and evil of every kind. Light is an acronym or short form for love, integrity, grace, happiness and truth. We are called to be people of love who reciprocate the unconditional, unreserved, undeserved love of God or agape in our love for Him and for people He has created in His image. We are also to walk in righteousness or integrity. We are to be perfect like our Father in heaven. We are declared righteous or free from all sin by grace or substitutory righteousness of Jesus. We are free from condemnation of God, of our own conscience, of other people. The burden of guilt is removed from our shoulders. Having been freed from the penalty of sin and the power of sin through death, we should work towards freeing ourselves from the presence of sin too. This implies we should walk in integrity with God, ourselves and with other people.
In order to walk in love and in integrity, we need grace or the help and enabling power of God manifest in the resurrection of Jesus, the atoning sacrifice from death on the cross. Having been loved, accepted, blessed by the Lord, we are to be always joyful in the presence of the Lord through the Holy Spirit. Our joy is not dependent on happenings or circumstances as it is with the people of the world but on the assurance we have in Jesus of salvation, of forgiveness, of love, of victory, of guidance and divine help. In order to love, walk in integrity, avail the grace of God, be joyful, we need to know the truths hidden in the Word and revealed by the Holy Spirit as we pray, seek revelation, understanding and insight. We need to know these truths and apply it in our lives.
Jesus is the locus and focal point of history, of the moral and spiritual universe. As we focus on this locus, the Lord will enable us to live in the LIGHT that God sent into this world to save us from condemnation, from the locusts or limitations and shortcomings of failure, spiritual and moral poverty. Those who chose to love the darkness and do the deeds of darkness will naturally hate the people walking in light. Indeed, whose we choose to be determines who we are and who we become.
Prateep V Philip
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