Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Manger Leader's Source of Strength

UV 2157/10000 The Manger Leader’s Source of Strength
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness

Isaiah 41 v 10

The manger leader or manager has no fear. His confidence and trust is in God. He is assured of the Lord’s presence with Him at all times, in the valley of the shadow of death as well as in the land of the living. The presence of God is the source of his strength, competence, resources. He humbles himself before God and entrusts all of his concerns, desires, challenges to the Lord. He knows that God is with him as an everlasting Father who will never leave him nor forsake him. He does not trust in earthly riches or power or position. He believes in the generous provision and absolute security the Lord provides. He knows he will never have cause for disappointment or regret as long as he walks in His LIGHT- His love, His integrity, His grace; as long as he reflects the “ be happy” attitudes that Jesus extolled in the sermon on the mount, as long as he walks in truth.

The manger leader or manager recognizes that God’s grace is sufficient for him. He knows that God who said He is the I AM can be all things he needs him to be. He believes in the justice and power of God as the Mighty One who will vindicate, deliver, extricate him, honour him, bless him abundantly. The manger leader does not however shirk his own responsibilities. He goes the extra mile to excel in whatever he does for he does it in the name of God. He lives by the credo of devotion to God, dedication of all efforts to God, determination to set and achieve targets, discipline to control his own desires, emotions and actions and diligence in all matters.

The uni-verse promises that if there is a shortfall in anything, the Lord will help us. He will strengthen us in our resolve, our faith, our faculties. He will impart wisdom and guidance. If we fall short of our goals, He will support us. He will equip us to make good the gap. The manger leader or manager has an attitude of dependence on God and interdependence with other people. He uses all the God-sent opportunities. He employs all the available God-given resources. He does not suffer excessive stress or executive burn out as he never feels or acts as if he is overloaded. He is neither proud of his own strengths or ashamed of his weaknesses as he has dedicated the former to the Strongest One – the Almighty and he considers his weaknesses opportunities for God to manifest His grace and power.

Prateep V Philip

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