Monday, January 9, 2017

Consistency and Change in the Manger Leader

UV 2170/10000 Consistency and Change in the Manger Leader
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Hebrews 13 v 8
A manger leader or manager should strive to be consistent in his thoughts, words and actions. He should imitate Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and for ever. Consistency cannot be contrived but it comes from deep faith, understanding of the Word and the spirit of obedience. Someone recently wrote to me that Jesus is the Alpha male in terms of His strength and power to which I replied that He is the Alpha to Omega male. He encompasses in His Person all the qualities, attitude and attributes of the ideal manger leader or manager.
Other people change according to the circumstances, possessions and position. They change their word. They contradict themselves in their words and actions. But the manger leader acts in consistency with his faith or beliefs. In Jesus, His word and example, we have access to the greatest wisdom of the past and present as well as the greatest hope for the future. Since we are not perfect but working towards perfection by grace even though we are declared perfect by faith and grace of the Lord. We need to develop ourselves in all aspects towards being better today than we were yesterday. Degree by degree, day by day, we need to change so that we will be the visible image of Christ in the future.

Change in ourselves implies that we should cling to what is good and let go of what is evil, what is negative, unprofitable, unwise, unworthy. Change begins in the way we think and in the way we handle our emotions and react to the emotions of others. Our lives should be a steady progression towards the goal of perfection that Christ sets for us. It should not be a case of three steps forward and four steps backward. As far as the world is considered, we should aim to be the change that Jesus wants us to be. He will counsel us in the actions we should take and through the gifting of the Holy Spirit give us the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge. As far as the enemy of our soul is concerned, he wants us to hinder our faith, create obstacles to block our spiritual and holistic progress, destroy our peace, rob our health, spoil our testimony, discourage us, weaken us. But, as we go forth into each day as a soldier into the thick of battle, we need to fill ourselves with the unchanging, unebbing yet dynamic power, wisdom and might of Jesus. We should wear the full armour of God and not allow the enemy to exploit or penetrate the chinks in our personal armour. We should make our lives temptation-proof, discouragement-proof, bitterness-proof, lust-proof and folly-proof. We should set our faces like flint, unflinching, unwavering, not swerving to the right or to the left, as Jesus did as He marched towards the cross to fulfil the purpose of His coming into this world to be our salvation, our help, our Redeemer, our shield.
Prateep V Philip

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